Portable Demo Environment

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The portable demo environment is effectively an out of the box sandbox which contains a working OpenMAMA installation and configuration as well as a market data publisher constantly running locally using qpid. It is designed to let you get up and running with an OpenMAMA development environment with zero fuss by allowing you to use our existing AMI or even our vagrant box which you can then remote develop on using an IDE like Visual Studio Code.

It also contains an upstream connection to the OpenMAMA cloudsmith repositories for streamlined upgrades to the latest versions of OpenMAMA and a selection of any free and non-free plugins which third parties have opted to host there.

Getting Up and Running

The first thing you’ll need to do is get your hands on the demo environment. We have a variety of options available depending on which resources are available to you.

Running with AWS

To run an AWS instance of the demo environment, we recommend selecting an instance type which has at least 2GB of RAM.

Note all our images are based on the official CentOS images as hosted on their website rather than the third party ones hosted on AWS, so they can be extended without licensing fears.

AMIs are region specific, so you’ll need to identify the appropriate region in which you want to launch your instance to get started:

Region Architecture AMI ID Launch Instance Wizard
eu-west-2 x86_64 ami-0b1cbf3fc035ad795 Launch New Instance
us-east-1 x86_64 ami-0a03b5b0b1d8bd1e4 Launch New Instance
us-east-2 x86_64 ami-04bca522bc2d4083e Launch New Instance

Alternatively you can search for it under Community AMIs by searching for OpenMAMA, the image is named the OpenMAMA Portable Demo Environment (CentOS 8 x86_64). The default instance username is centos.

Running with Vagrant

We have a vagrant option available on the official Vagrant box repository - we have documentation there on how to install and we have providers for most VM types.

Running on Bare Metal / Virtual Machine

The demo environment targets a CentOS 8 install, so if you have a base CentOS installation ready, you can turn it into an OpenMAMA portable demo environment simply by running our ansible script on it.

First of all install git and ansible if they aren’t already installed:

sudo dnf install -y epel-release
sudo dnf install -y git ansible

Then grab the latest copy of the OpenMAMA code and run the ansible playbook we manage there.

git clone https://github.com/OpenMAMA/OpenMAMA.git
sudo ansible-playbook --connection=local -i localhost, OpenMAMA/ansible/demo-provision.yml

And that’s it - next time you log in you should get the usual prompts etc.

Connecting an IDE for Remote Development

The demo environment comes with an SSH server running on port 22. Remote development is available in many IDEs such as CLion, Jetbrains tools and Netbeans. We have some documentation available for setting up Visual Studio Code but the process will be similar for other IDEs.

Tour of Contents

The demo kit contains everything you need to get up and running with an OpenMAMA development environment, and is ready to extend with any third party libraries available or even your own!

Market Data Publisher Service (qpid)

We have a constantly running Qpid market data publisher running on repeat which is using the pub transport as defined in /opt/openmama/config/mama.properties. It uses the data dictionary (field ID to field name / data type reference data) from /opt/openmama/data/dictionaries/data.dict and the playback data from /opt/openmama/data/playbacks/openmama_utpcasheuro_capture.5000.10.qpid.mplay.

It is managed via a standard systemd service so you can use systemctl commands to manage it:

$ systemctl status openmama-capturereplay
● openmama-capturereplay.service - OpenMAMA Capture Replay utility for producing OpenMAMA output data
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/openmama-capturereplay.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabl
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-09-14 17:46:28 UTC; 20min ago
 Main PID: 12526 (capturereplayc)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 11481)
   Memory: 4.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/openmama-capturereplay.service
           └─12526 /opt/openmama/bin/capturereplayc -S OM -f /opt/openmama/data/playbacks/openmama_u

OpenMAMA Installation

We have a complete OpenMAMA installation in /opt/openmama including bindings for:

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • C# (.NET core)

So you have everything you need to get up and running with the target language of your choice.

We also have WOMBAT_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc already set up so it should simply be a case of compiling and running your code!

Code and Quick Start Apps

The package includes a complete copy of the OpenMAMA repository in ~/OpenMAMA. To update it, you can simply do a git pull (since the code may have changed since the demo environment was created):

cd ~/OpenMAMA
git pull

Then we host a series of quick start guides available in ~/OpenMAMA/tutorials after you log in for the first time which is taken from our tutorials folder from our main repo. You have different projects available depending on your platform:

  • c/01-quickstart (cmake project for C)
  • cpp/01-quickstart (cmake project for C++)
  • csharp/01-quickstart (.csproj project for C#)
  • java/01-quickstart (gradle project for Java)

At this point you may want to head over / return to the quickstart guide to get more information on how to get up and running with these projects!

Adding Additional Bridges and Libraries

Your middleware bridge provider should be able to provide you with configuration files and libraries to let you get up and running with OpenMAMA. Typically it’s as simple as:

  • Adding their recommended OpenMAMA configuration to /opt/openmama/config/mama.properties
  • Dropping their compiled libraries into /opt/openmama/lib

Some vendors are even already available in our third party repository which is already configured in the portable demo environment. Simply try

dnf search openmama