Name |
Wombat |
Name | |
class | Wombat::MamdaSubscription |
/* $Id$
* OpenMAMA: The open middleware agnostic messaging API
* Copyright (C) 2011 NYSE Technologies, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef MamdaSubscriptionH
#define MamdaSubscriptionH
#include <vector>
#include <mamda/MamdaConfig.h>
#include <mama/mamacpp.h>
#include <mama/marketdata.h>
#include <mamda/MamdaFieldState.h>
namespace Wombat
class MamaSource;
class MamaTransport;
class MamaQueue;
class MamdaMsgListener;
class MamdaQualityListener;
class MamdaErrorListener;
class MAMDAExpDLL MamdaSubscription
MamdaSubscription ();
virtual ~MamdaSubscription ();
virtual MamdaSubscription* clone() const;
void create (
MamaQueue* queue,
MamaSource* source,
const char* symbol,
void* closure = NULL);
void destroy ();
bool isActive () const;
void setSource (MamaSource* source);
void setSymbol (const char* symbol);
void setQueue (MamaQueue* queue);
void setMdDataType (mamaMdDataType mdDataType);
void setType (mamaSubscriptionType type);
void setServiceLevel (mamaServiceLevel serviceLevel,
long serviceLevelOpt = 0);
void setRequireInitial (bool require);
void setTimeout (double timeout);
void setRecapTimeout (double timeout);
void setRetries (int retries);
void setClosure (void* closure);
void setGroupSizeHint (int groupSizeHint);
void setMamaSubscription (MamaSubscription* subscription);
void addMsgListener (MamdaMsgListener* listener);
void addQualityListener (MamdaQualityListener* listener);
void addErrorListener (MamdaErrorListener* listener);
std::vector<MamdaMsgListener*>& getMsgListeners ();
void activate ();
void deactivate ();
void requestRecap ();
MamaSource* getSource() const;
const char* getSourceName() const;
const char* getSymbol() const;
const char* getExchange() const;
MamaTransport* getTransport() const;
MamaQueue* getQueue() const;
MamaSubscription* getMamaSubscription();
mamaSubscriptionType getType() const;
mamaServiceLevel getServiceLevel() const;
long getServiceLevelOpt() const;
bool getRequireInitial() const;
double getTimeout() const;
double getRecapTimeout() const;
int getRetries() const;
void* getClosure() const;
uint32_t getSeqNum() const;
void setItemClosure (void* closure);
void* getItemClosure (void);
bool checkDebugLevel (MamaLogLevel level) const;
struct MamdaSubscriptionImpl;
MamdaSubscriptionImpl& mImpl;
} // namespace
#endif // MamdaSubscriptionH
Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:00 +0100