Classes Files





class Wombat::MamdaFundamentalFields
Maintains a cache of common fundamental field descriptors.

Source code

/* $Id$
 * OpenMAMA: The open middleware agnostic messaging API
 * Copyright (C) 2011 NYSE Technologies, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

namespace Wombat
    public class MamdaFundamentalFields : MamdaFields
        public static void setDictionary(
            MamaDictionary      dictionary,
            NameValueCollection properties)
            if (mInitialised)

            string wSrcTime             = lookupFieldName(properties, "wSrcTime");
            string wActivityTime        = lookupFieldName(properties, "wActivityTime");
            string wCorpActType         = lookupFieldName(properties, "wCorpActType");
            string wDividend            = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDividend");
            string wDivFreq             = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDivFreq");
            string wDivExDate           = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDivExDate");
            string wDivPayDate          = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDivPayDate");
            string wDivRecordDate       = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDivRecordDate");
            string wDivCurrency         = lookupFieldName(properties, "wDivCurrency");
            string wSharesOut           = lookupFieldName(properties, "wSharesOut");
            string wSharesFloat         = lookupFieldName(properties, "wSharesFloat");
            string wSharesAuth          = lookupFieldName(properties, "wSharesAuth");
            string wEarnPerShare        = lookupFieldName(properties, "wEarnPerShare");
            string wVolatility          = lookupFieldName(properties, "wVolatility");
            string wPeRatio             = lookupFieldName(properties, "wPeRatio");
            string wYield               = lookupFieldName(properties, "wYield");
            string wMarketSegmentNative = lookupFieldName(properties, "wMarketSegmentNative");
            string wMarketSectorNative  = lookupFieldName(properties, "wMarketSectorNative");
            string wMarketSegment       = lookupFieldName(properties, "wMarketSegment");
            string wMarketSector        = lookupFieldName(properties, "wMarketSector");
            string wRiskFreeRate        = lookupFieldName(properties, "wRiskFreeRate");
            string wHistVolatility      = lookupFieldName(properties, "wHistVolatility");

            SRC_TIME            = dictionary.getFieldByName(wSrcTime);
            ACTIVITY_TIME       = dictionary.getFieldByName(wActivityTime);
            CORP_ACT_TYPE       = dictionary.getFieldByName(wCorpActType);
            DIVIDEND_PRICE      = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDividend);
            DIVIDEND_FREQ       = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDivFreq);
            DIVIDEND_EX_DATE    = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDivExDate);
            DIVIDEND_PAY_DATE   = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDivPayDate);
            DIVIDEND_REC_DATE   = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDivRecordDate);
            DIVIDEND_CURRENCY   = dictionary.getFieldByName(wDivCurrency);
            SHARES_OUT          = dictionary.getFieldByName(wSharesOut);
            SHARES_FLOAT        = dictionary.getFieldByName(wSharesFloat);
            SHARES_AUTH         = dictionary.getFieldByName(wSharesAuth);
            EARN_PER_SHARE      = dictionary.getFieldByName(wEarnPerShare);
            VOLATILITY          = dictionary.getFieldByName(wVolatility);
            PRICE_EARN_RATIO    = dictionary.getFieldByName(wPeRatio);
            YIELD               = dictionary.getFieldByName(wYield);
            MRKT_SEGM_NATIVE    = dictionary.getFieldByName(wMarketSegmentNative);
            MRKT_SECT_NATIVE    = dictionary.getFieldByName(wMarketSectorNative);
            MRKT_SEGMENT        = dictionary.getFieldByName(wMarketSegment);
            MRKT_SECTOR         = dictionary.getFieldByName(wMarketSector);
            RISK_FREE_RATE      = dictionary.getFieldByName(wRiskFreeRate);
            HIST_VOLATILITY     = dictionary.getFieldByName(wHistVolatility);

            mInitialised = true;

        public static bool isSet()
            return mInitialised;

        public static void reset ()
            if (MamdaCommonFields.isSet())
            SRC_TIME               = null;
            ACTIVITY_TIME          = null;
            CORP_ACT_TYPE          = null;
            DIVIDEND_PRICE         = null;
            DIVIDEND_FREQ          = null;
            DIVIDEND_EX_DATE       = null;
            DIVIDEND_PAY_DATE      = null;
            DIVIDEND_REC_DATE      = null;
            DIVIDEND_CURRENCY      = null;
            SHARES_OUT             = null;
            SHARES_FLOAT           = null;
            SHARES_AUTH            = null;
            EARN_PER_SHARE         = null;
            VOLATILITY             = null;
            PRICE_EARN_RATIO       = null;
            YIELD                  = null;
            MRKT_SEGM_NATIVE       = null;
            MRKT_SECT_NATIVE       = null;
            MRKT_SEGMENT           = null;
            MRKT_SECTOR            = null;
            RISK_FREE_RATE         = null;
            HIST_VOLATILITY        = null;
            mInitialised            = false;

        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  SRC_TIME               = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  ACTIVITY_TIME          = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  CORP_ACT_TYPE          = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_PRICE         = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_FREQ          = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_EX_DATE       = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_PAY_DATE      = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_REC_DATE      = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  DIVIDEND_CURRENCY      = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  SHARES_OUT             = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  SHARES_FLOAT           = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  SHARES_AUTH            = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  EARN_PER_SHARE         = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  VOLATILITY             = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  PRICE_EARN_RATIO       = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  YIELD                  = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  MRKT_SEGM_NATIVE       = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  MRKT_SECT_NATIVE       = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  MRKT_SEGMENT           = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  MRKT_SECTOR            = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  RISK_FREE_RATE         = null;
        public static MamaFieldDescriptor  HIST_VOLATILITY        = null;

        private static bool mInitialised = false;


Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:19 +0100