Installing OpenMAMA

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To install OpenMAMA, we have packages available for all supported platforms which either include, or automatically install their dependencies.


For Linux users, you can either download and extract the packaged release from our github releases page, or alternatively (and more conveniently), you can install via cloudsmith (which has the main advantage that you can use your package manager’s upgrade mechanism to keep up to date):


curl -1sLf | sudo -E bash

And if you want easy access to some third party plugins as well:

curl -1sLf | sudo -E bash

Fedora / CentOS

curl -1sLf | sudo -E bash

And if you want easy access to some third party plugins as well:

curl -1sLf | sudo -E bash

Other Distros

Building is fairly straightforward these days, so if you want to build OpenMAMA on a platform that is not supported, please refer to our documentation for building OpenMAMA from source.



If you have internet access on the target machine, vcpkg is easily the most convenient way to install OpenMAMA.

D:\> git clone
D:\> .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
D:\> cd vcpkg
D:\vcpkg> vcpkg.exe install openmama:x86-windows openmama:x64-windows

And then optionally (if you want OpenMAMA to be available by default for new Visual Studio projects):

D:\vcpkg> vcpkg.exe integrate install

Compiled Binaries

You may download and extract the latest release from our github releases. It includes all bindings and a copy of the Qpid bridge ready to use.


If you don’t really want to install anything and simply want to kick the tyres on the API within a container, we have an OpenMAMA docker image that you may use which includes an OpenMAMA install in /opt/openmama and build tools for Linux:

docker pull openmama/openmama
docker network create openmama-net-quickstart
docker run --net=openmama-net-quickstart --name openmama-quickstart -it openmama/openmama:latest bash

You can then point your favourite IDE to use this docker environment as your build system for your own OpenMAMA based apps.


If you want to use Vagrant to create your own build environment complete with all dependencies installed, you can refer to our vagrant box which is an implementation of our Portable Demo Environment which is ready to use out of the box.

AWS Prebuilt AMI

We have an AWS AMI available on the marketplace which you’re free to use to kick the tyres on OpenMAMA. It contains a pre-built version of the Portable Demo Environment ready for use.

Private / Public Cloud Hosted

Please see our documentation on running a Portable Demo Environment.

Building from Source

Please see our documentation on Building OpenMAMA from Source.