Classes Files



typedef void(MAMACALLTYPE *)(const mamaMsg msg, const mamaMsgField field, void *closure) mamaMsgIteratorCb


MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMATypeDeprecated(mamaPayloadType , “mamaPayloadType has been deprecated, use dynamic loading instead!” )
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaPayload_convertToString(mamaPayloadType payloadType)
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_create(mamaMsg * msg)
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL(“mamaMsg_createForPayload has been deprecated, use dynamic loading instead!” )
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createForPayloadBridge(mamaMsg * msg, mamaPayloadBridge payloadBridge)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createForTemplate(mamaMsg * msg, mama_u32_t templateId)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_copy(mamaMsg src, mamaMsg * copy)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getTempCopy(mamaMsg src, mamaMsg * copy)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_clear(mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getSendSubject(const mamaMsg msg, const char ** subject)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_destroy(mamaMsg msg)
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPayloadType(mamaMsg msg, mamaPayloadType * payloadType)
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getByteSize(const mamaMsg msg, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addBool(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_bool_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addChar(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, char value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addF32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addF64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addString(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char * value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addOpaque(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const void * value, mama_size_t size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addDateTime(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaDateTime value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addPrice(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaPrice value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addMsg(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaMsg value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorBool(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_bool_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorChar(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i8_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u8_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i16_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u16_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i32_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u32_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i64_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u64_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorF32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f32_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorF64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f64_t value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorString(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char * value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorMsg(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaMsg value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorDateTime(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaDateTime value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorPrice(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaPrice value[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateBool(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_bool_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateChar(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, char value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU8(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU16(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateF32(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateF64(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateString(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char * value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateOpaque(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const void * value, mama_size_t size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateDateTime(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaDateTime value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updatePrice(mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaPrice value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getBool(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_bool_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_applyMsg(mamaMsg dest, mamaMsg src)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNativeMsg(mamaMsg msg, void ** nativeMsg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getReplyHandle(mamaMsg msg, mamaMsgReply * replyHandle)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_setReplyHandle(mamaMsg msg, mamaMsgReply replyHandle)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_copyReplyHandle(mamaMsgReply src, mamaMsgReply * copy)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_destroyReplyHandle(mamaMsgReply replyHandle)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateSubMsg(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaMsg subMsg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorMsg(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaMsg msgList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorString(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const char * strList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorBool(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_bool_t boolList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorChar(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const char charList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI8(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i8_t i8List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU8(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u8_t u8List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI16(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i16_t i16List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU16(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u16_t u16List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI32(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i32_t i32List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU32(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u32_t u32List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI64(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i64_t i64List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU64(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u64_t u64List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorF32(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f32_t f32List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorF64(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f64_t f64List[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorPrice(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaPrice priceList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorTime(mamaMsg msg, const char * fname, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaDateTime timeList[], mama_size_t numElements)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getChar(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, char * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI8(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i8_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU8(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u8_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI16(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i16_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU16(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u16_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_i64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getF32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getF64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getString(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char ** result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getOpaque(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const void ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getField(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mamaMsgField * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTime(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mamaDateTime result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTimeMSec(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_u64_t * milliseconds)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTimeSeconds(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mama_f64_t * seconds)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPrice(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mamaPrice result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getMsg(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, mamaMsg * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorBool(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_bool_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorChar(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI8(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i8_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU8(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u8_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI16(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i16_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU16(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u16_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i32_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u32_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_i64_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_u64_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorF32(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f32_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorF64(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mama_f64_t ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorString(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const char *** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorDateTime(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaDateTime ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorPrice(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaPrice ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorMsg(const mamaMsg msg, const char * name, mama_fid_t fid, const mamaMsg ** result, mama_size_t * resultLen)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNumFields(const mamaMsg msg, mama_size_t * numFields)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toString(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toNormalizedString(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toJsonString(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toJsonStringWithDictionary(const mamaMsg msg, const mamaDictionary dictionary)
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL(“mamaMsg_freeString has been deprecated - memory now managed by bridge” ) const
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getEntitleCode(const mamaMsg msg, mama_i32_t * code)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getSeqNum(const mamaMsg msg, mama_seqnum_t * seqNum)
MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgType mamaMsgType_typeForMsg(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsgType_stringForMsg(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsgType_stringForType(const mamaMsgType type)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getFieldAsString(const mamaMsg msg, const char * fieldName, mama_fid_t fid, char * buf, mama_size_t length)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_iterateFields(const mamaMsg msg, mamaMsgIteratorCb callback, const mamaDictionary dict, void * closure)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPlatformError(const mamaMsg msg, void ** error)
MAMAExpDLL int mamaMsg_isFromInbox(const mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createFromByteBuffer(mamaMsg * msg, const void * buffer, mama_size_t bufferLength)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getByteBuffer(const mamaMsg msg, const void ** buffer, mama_size_t * bufferLength)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_detach(mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDuplicate(mamaMsg msg, int * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDuplicate(mamaMsg msg, int * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDelayed(mamaMsg msg, int * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDelayed(mamaMsg msg, int * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsOutOfSequence(mamaMsg msg, int * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_setNewBuffer(mamaMsg msg, void * buffer, mama_size_t size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNativeHandle(const mamaMsg msg, void ** result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_create(mamaMsgIterator * iterator, mamaDictionary dict)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_associate(mamaMsgIterator iterator, mamaMsg msg)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_setDict(mamaMsgIterator iterator, mamaDictionary dict)
MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_next(mamaMsgIterator iterator)
MAMAExpDLL mama_bool_t mamaMsgIterator_hasNext(mamaMsgIterator iterator)
MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_begin(mamaMsgIterator iterator)
MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_end(mamaMsgIterator iterator)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_destroy(mamaMsgIterator iterator)


MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen const char id
MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen const char * msgString



Types Documentation

typedef mamaMsgIteratorCb

typedef void(MAMACALLTYPE * mamaMsgIteratorCb) (const mamaMsg msg, const mamaMsgField field, void *closure);


  • msg The message.
  • field The field.
  • closure The closure specified in mamaMsg_iterateFields().

Iterator callback method is invoked for each field in the message.

Functions Documentation

function MAMATypeDeprecated

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMATypeDeprecated(
    mamaPayloadType ,
    "mamaPayloadType has been deprecated,
    use dynamic loading instead!" 

Enum to reference the available MAMA message payloads.

function mamaPayload_convertToString

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaPayload_convertToString(
    mamaPayloadType payloadType


  • payloadType The payloadType to convert.

Convert a mamaPayloadType value to a string. Do no attempt to free the string result.

function mamaMsg_create

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_create(
    mamaMsg * msg


  • msg The location of a mamaMsg where to store the result.

Create a mamaMsg.

function MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL(
    "mamaMsg_createForPayload has been deprecated,
    use dynamic loading instead!" 


  • msg The location of a mamaMsg where to store the result.
  • id The identifier of the payload to be used.


This has been deprecated in favor of dynamic loading.

Create a mamaMsg.

function mamaMsg_createForPayloadBridge

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createForPayloadBridge(
    mamaMsg * msg,
    mamaPayloadBridge payloadBridge


  • msg The location of a mamaMsg where to store the result.
  • id The payload bridge to be used.

Create a mamaMsg.

function mamaMsg_createForTemplate

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createForTemplate(
    mamaMsg * msg,
    mama_u32_t templateId


  • msg The location of a mamaMsg where to store the result.
  • templateID The wombatMsg to encapsulate.

Create a mamaMsg for a particular template ID

function mamaMsg_copy

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_copy(
    mamaMsg src,
    mamaMsg * copy


  • src The message to copy.
  • copy A pointer to the destination message.

Copy a mamaMsg. If mamaMsg_create() has not been called for for the destination message object then this will be done by the function.

function mamaMsg_getTempCopy

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getTempCopy(
    mamaMsg src,
    mamaMsg * copy


  • src The message to copy.
  • copy A pointer to the destination message.

Get a temporary copy of the mamaMsg so to be able to modify the content. If the message can be modified directly, the message itself is returned. If the message cannot be modified then only one copy is performed the first time this function is called and then the same copy is returned when this function is called again. The copy is destroyed when the original message is destroyed.

function mamaMsg_clear

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_clear(
    mamaMsg msg


  • msg The mamaMsg to clear.

Clear a msg. All fields are removed.

function mamaMsg_getSendSubject

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getSendSubject(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char ** subject


  • src The message to copy.
  • copy A pointer to the destination message.

TIB/RV only. Get the TIB/RV send subject from the message. For other message types MAMA_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED will be returned.

function mamaMsg_destroy

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_destroy(
    mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Destroy a message and free any resources associated with it.

function mamaMsg_getPayloadType

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPayloadType(
    mamaMsg msg,
    mamaPayloadType * payloadType


  • msg The message.
  • payloadType The payload type.

Get the type of the message payload.

function mamaMsg_getByteSize

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getByteSize(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msg The MAMA message
  • size (out) The size of the message in bytes

Return: Resulting status of the call

Get the size of the underlying message in bytes. Only works for tibrvMsg and wombatmsg types.

function mamaMsg_addBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addBool(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_bool_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new bool field.

function mamaMsg_addChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addChar(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    char value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new char field.

function mamaMsg_addI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i8_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 8 bit signed int field.

function mamaMsg_addU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u8_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 8 bit unsigned int field.

function mamaMsg_addI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i16_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 16 bit signed int field.

function mamaMsg_addU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u16_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 16 bit unsigned int field.

function mamaMsg_addI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 32 bit unsigned int field.

function mamaMsg_addU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new 32 bit signed int field.

function mamaMsg_addI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addI64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new I64 field.

function mamaMsg_addU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addU64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new U64 field.

function mamaMsg_addF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addF32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new float (f32) field.

function mamaMsg_addF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addF64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a new f64 field.

function mamaMsg_addString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addString(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char * value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a const char * field.

function mamaMsg_addOpaque

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addOpaque(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const void * value,
    mama_size_t size


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.
  • size The size of the opaque in bytes

Add an opaque field.

function mamaMsg_addDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addDateTime(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaDateTime value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a MAMA date/time field.

function mamaMsg_addPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addPrice(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaPrice value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Add a MAMA price field.

function mamaMsg_addMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addMsg(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaMsg value


  • msg The message to which the field is being added.
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier
  • value The value of the field

Return: mama_status MAMA_STATUS_OK if the function executes successfully

Add a mamaMsg object to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorBool(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_bool_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of booleans.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of booleans to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorChar(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of characters.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of characters to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i8_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of signed 8 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of signed 8 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u8_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of unsigned 8 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of unsigned 8 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i16_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of signed 16 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of signed 16 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u16_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of unsigned 16 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of unsigned 16 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i32_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of signed 32 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of signed 32 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u32_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of unsigned 32 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of unsigned 32 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorI64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i64_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of signed 64 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of signed 64 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorU64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u64_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of unsigned 64 bit integers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of unsigned 64 bit integers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorF32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f32_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of 32 bit floating point numbers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of 32 bit floating point numbers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorF64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f64_t value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of 64 bit floating point numbers.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of 64 bit floating point numbers to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorString(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char * value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of strings (char*).
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of strings (char*) to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorMsg(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaMsg value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message to which the field is being added.
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier
  • value[] The value of the field.
  • numElements The number of elements in the mamaMsg array.

Return: mama_status MAMA_STATUS_OK if the function returns successfully.

Add an array of mamaMsg objects to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorDateTime(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaDateTime value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of timestamps.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of timestamps to the message.

function mamaMsg_addVectorPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_addVectorPrice(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaPrice value[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The mamaMsg
  • name The name identifier for the field (optional).
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value[] Array of values.
  • numElements The number of elements in the array.

Add an array of prices to the message.

function mamaMsg_updateBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateBool(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_bool_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing bool field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateChar(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    char value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing char field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i8_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing I8 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u8_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing U8 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i16_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing I16 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u16_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing U16 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing I32 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing U32 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateI64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing I64 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateU64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing U64 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateF32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f32_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing float field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateF64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f64_t value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing f64 field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateString(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char * value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The new value.

Update the value of an existing const char* field. If the field does not exist it is added.

function mamaMsg_updateOpaque

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateOpaque(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const void * value,
    mama_size_t size


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.
  • size The size of the opaque in bytes

Update an opaque field.

function mamaMsg_updateDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateDateTime(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaDateTime value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Update a MAMA date/time field.

function mamaMsg_updatePrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updatePrice(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaPrice value


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • value The value.

Update a MAMA price field.

function mamaMsg_getBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getBool(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_bool_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a bool field.

function mamaMsg_applyMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_applyMsg(
    mamaMsg dest,
    mamaMsg src


  • dest The message to update.
  • src The source messages.

Apply the contents of one message to another as updates.

function mamaMsg_getNativeMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNativeMsg(
    mamaMsg msg,
    void ** nativeMsg


  • msg The message
  • nativeMsg The resulting native handle.

Return: mama_status Returns MAMA_STATUS_OK if the call was successful.

Get the native message structure for the underlying message This function is for internal NYSE Technologies use only.

function mamaMsg_getReplyHandle

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getReplyHandle(
    mamaMsg msg,
    mamaMsgReply * replyHandle


  • msg The message
  • replyHandle The resulting reply handle.

Return: mama_status Returns MAMA_STATUS_OK if the call was successful.

Get the reply handle for the message and increments the reference count for the handle.

function mamaMsg_setReplyHandle

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_setReplyHandle(
    mamaMsg msg,
    mamaMsgReply replyHandle


  • msg The message
  • replyHandle The reply handle for this message.

Return: mama_status Returns MAMA_STATUS_OK if the call was successful.

Set the reply handle for the message and increments the reference count for the handle.

function mamaMsg_copyReplyHandle

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_copyReplyHandle(
    mamaMsgReply src,
    mamaMsgReply * copy


  • src The reply handler to copy.
  • copy A pointer to the destination reply handle.

Return: mama_status Returns MAMA_STATUS_OK if the call was successful.

Create a new copy of the src reply handle.

function mamaMsg_destroyReplyHandle

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_destroyReplyHandle(
    mamaMsgReply replyHandle


  • replyHandle The reply handle for this message.

Return: mama_status Returns MAMA_STATUS_OK if the call was successful.

Destroys a reply handle.

function mamaMsg_updateSubMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateSubMsg(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaMsg subMsg


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • subMsg The new value.

Update a sub-message field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorMsg(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaMsg msgList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • msgList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector message field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorString(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char * strList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • strList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector string field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorBool(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_bool_t boolList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • boolList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector bool field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorChar(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char charList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • charList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector char field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i8_t i8List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • i8List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector I8 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU8(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u8_t u8List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • u8List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector U8 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i16_t i16List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • i16List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector I16 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU16(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u16_t u16List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • u16List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector U16 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i32_t i32List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • i32List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector I32 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u32_t u32List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • u32List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector U32 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorI64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i64_t i64List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • i64List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector I64 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorU64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u64_t u64List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • u64List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector U64 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorF32(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f32_t f32List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • f32List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector F32 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorF64(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f64_t f64List[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • f64List The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector F64 field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorPrice(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaPrice priceList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • priceList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector price field.

function mamaMsg_updateVectorTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_updateVectorTime(
    mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fname,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaDateTime timeList[],
    mama_size_t numElements


  • msg The message.
  • fname The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • timeList The new value.
  • numElements the number of elements in the vector

Update a vector mamaDateTime field.

function mamaMsg_getChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getChar(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    char * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a char field.

function mamaMsg_getI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI8(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i8_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I8, signed 8 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsg_getU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU8(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u8_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get an unsigned 8-bit integer field

function mamaMsg_getI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI16(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i16_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I16, signed 16 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsg_getU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU16(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u16_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get an unsigned 16-bit integer field

function mamaMsg_getI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i32_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I32, signed 32 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsg_getU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u32_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get an unsigned 32-bit integer field

function mamaMsg_getI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getI64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_i64_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I64, signed 64 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsg_getU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getU64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u64_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get an unsigned 64-bit integer field

function mamaMsg_getF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getF32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f32_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result (out) The double value.

Get a float (f32) field.

function mamaMsg_getF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getF64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f64_t * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result (out) The double value.

Get a f64 field.

function mamaMsg_getString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getString(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char ** result


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result (out) the string value.

Get a const char * field.

function mamaMsg_getOpaque

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getOpaque(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const void ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result (out) The opaque value.
  • size (out) Length in bytes of the opaque field.

Get an opaque field.

function mamaMsg_getField

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getField(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mamaMsgField * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result. The result contains the reusable field object of the mamaMsg object. Applications calling this method will receive the same reusable object for repeated calls on same mamaMsg object.

Get a MAMA msg field.

function mamaMsg_getDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTime(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mamaDateTime result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a MAMA date/time field.

function mamaMsg_getDateTimeMSec

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTimeMSec(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_u64_t * milliseconds


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • milliseconds (out) Pointer to the value in milliseconds

Get the value of a MAMA date/time field in milliseconds

function mamaMsg_getDateTimeSeconds

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getDateTimeSeconds(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mama_f64_t * seconds


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • seconds (out) Pointer to the value in seconds as a double

Get the value of a MAMA date/time field in seconds as a double

function mamaMsg_getPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPrice(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mamaPrice result


  • msg The message.
  • name The name
  • fid The field identifier
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a MAMA price field.

function mamaMsg_getMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getMsg(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    mamaMsg * result


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result. result when the method returns..

Get a submessage.

function mamaMsg_getVectorBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorBool(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_bool_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of booleans.

function mamaMsg_getVectorChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorChar(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of chars.

function mamaMsg_getVectorI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI8(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i8_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 8 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU8(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u8_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 8 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI16(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i16_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 16 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU16(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u16_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 16 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 32 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 32 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorI64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_i64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 64 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorU64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_u64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 64 bit integers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorF32(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of 32 bit floating point numbers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorF64(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mama_f64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of 64 bit floating point numbers.

function mamaMsg_getVectorString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorString(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const char *** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of strings (char*).

function mamaMsg_getVectorDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorDateTime(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaDateTime ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of timestamps.

function mamaMsg_getVectorPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorPrice(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaPrice ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of prices.

function mamaMsg_getVectorMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getVectorMsg(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * name,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    const mamaMsg ** result,
    mama_size_t * resultLen


  • msg The message.
  • name The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • resultLen An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of submessages.

function mamaMsg_getNumFields

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNumFields(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    mama_size_t * numFields


  • msg The message.
  • numFields (out) The number of fields in the message.

Returns the total number of fields in the message. Sub-messages count as a single field.

function mamaMsg_toString

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toString(
    const mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Return: A string representation of the message.

Return a const char * representation the message. Memory is owned by the underlying bridge.

function mamaMsg_toNormalizedString

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toNormalizedString(
    const mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Return: A string representation of the message.

Return a const char * representation the message. Memory is owned by the mamaMsg. The string format will be standard across all payload types.

function mamaMsg_toJsonString

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toJsonString(
    const mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Return: A json string representation of the message.

Return a const char * representation the message in JSON format. Memory is owned by the mamaMsg.

function mamaMsg_toJsonStringWithDictionary

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsg_toJsonStringWithDictionary(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const mamaDictionary dictionary


  • msg The message.
  • msg The dictionary to use when resolving field names.

Return: A json string representation of the message.

Return a const char * representation the message in JSON format. Memory is owned by the mamaMsg.

function MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen MAMAExpDeprecatedDLL(
    "mamaMsg_freeString has been deprecated - memory now managed by bridge" 
) const


  • msg The message.
  • msgString The string allocated by mamaMsg_toString

Free the memory allocated by mamaMsg_toString [deprecated].

function mamaMsg_getEntitleCode

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedClose MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getEntitleCode(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    mama_i32_t * code


  • msg The message.
  • code (out) The entitle code

Get the entitle code for this message. The result defaults to 0 (no entitlement) if the field is not present.

function mamaMsg_getSeqNum

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getSeqNum(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    mama_seqnum_t * seqNum


  • msg The message.
  • code (out) The sequence number.

Get the sequence number for this message if available. The result defaults to 0 and MAMA_STATUS_NOT_FOUND retuned if the field is not present.

function mamaMsgType_typeForMsg

MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgType mamaMsgType_typeForMsg(
    const mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Return: The type.

Extract the type from the supplied message.

function mamaMsgType_stringForMsg

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsgType_stringForMsg(
    const mamaMsg msg


  • msg The message.

Return: The type name.

Return the type name.

function mamaMsgType_stringForType

MAMAExpDLL const char * mamaMsgType_stringForType(
    const mamaMsgType type


  • type The message.

Return: The type name.

Return the type name.

function mamaMsg_getFieldAsString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getFieldAsString(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const char * fieldName,
    mama_fid_t fid,
    char * buf,
    mama_size_t length


  • msg The message.
  • fieldName The field name.
  • fid The field identifier.
  • buf The buffer where the resulting string will be copied.
  • length The length of the caller supplied buffer.

Convert the value of the specified field to a string. Caller must provide a buffer for the value.

function mamaMsg_iterateFields

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_iterateFields(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    mamaMsgIteratorCb callback,
    const mamaDictionary dict,
    void * closure


  • msg The message.
  • callback The msgIteratorCb to invoke.
  • dict The dictionary.
  • closure The user specified closure passed to the callback.

Invoke the specified callback for each field in the message.

function mamaMsg_getPlatformError

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getPlatformError(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    void ** error


  • msg The message.
  • error (out) The platform dependent result.

Return the middleware specific platform error. When a mamaSubscription_ method returns MAMA_STATUS_PLATFORM the error will be the result from the underlying platform.

function mamaMsg_isFromInbox

MAMAExpDLL int mamaMsg_isFromInbox(
    const mamaMsg msg

Return true if this message was sent from a client’s inbox.

function mamaMsg_createFromByteBuffer

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_createFromByteBuffer(
    mamaMsg * msg,
    const void * buffer,
    mama_size_t bufferLength


  • msg The mamaMsg object
  • buffer The byte array containing the wire format of the message
  • bufferLength The length, in bytes, of the supplied buffer

Return: mama_status The outcome of the operation

Create a mamaMsg from the provided byte buffer. The application is responsible for destroying the message. In this function a copy of the buffer isn’t made and the client must maintain it until after the message has been destroyed using the mamaMsg_destroy function. The function can determine from the buffer whether it is a wombatmsg or the native format for the transport being used.

Any transport differences are detailed below.

rv: The bufferLength parameter is not required.

function mamaMsg_getByteBuffer

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getByteBuffer(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const void ** buffer,
    mama_size_t * bufferLength


  • msg The mamaMsg object
  • buffer The byte array containing the message wire format
  • bufferLength The length, in bytes, of the returned buffer

Return: mama_status The outcome of the operation

Return the internal message buffer as an array of bytes which is suitable for writing to a file. Do not modify the returned byte buffer as this is the internal message buffer and remains part of the message until it is destroyed. The buffer will be written to the address supplied by the client. The buffer will contain the wire format of the underlying message implementation but does not contain delivery information such as source, topic etc.

function mamaMsg_detach

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_detach(
    mamaMsg msg

Normally the Mama API owns incoming mamaMsg objects and they go out of scope when the message callback returns. Calling this method from the message callback transfers ownership, and responsibility for calling mamaMsg_destroy() to the caller.

function mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDuplicate

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDuplicate(
    mamaMsg msg,
    int * result

Return true if this message is definitely a duplicate message. This condition will not occur with the current feed handlers.

function mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDuplicate

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDuplicate(
    mamaMsg msg,
    int * result

Return true if this message is possibly a duplicate message. This may occur in the event of a fault tolerant feed handler take over where the feed handler replays messages to prevent gaps.

function mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDelayed

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDelayed(
    mamaMsg msg,
    int * result

Return true if the message is possibly delayed. This condition may be true during a fault-tolerant take over.

function mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDelayed

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDelayed(
    mamaMsg msg,
    int * result

Return true if the message is delayed. This condition may be true during a faul tolerant take over.

function mamaMsg_getIsOutOfSequence

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getIsOutOfSequence(
    mamaMsg msg,
    int * result

Return true when the FH sends the message out of sequence.

function mamaMsg_setNewBuffer

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_setNewBuffer(
    mamaMsg msg,
    void * buffer,
    mama_size_t size


  • msg The mamaMsg that will receive the new buffer.
  • buffer The new buffer to use for this message.
  • size The size of the buffer.

Set a new buffer for an existing mamaMsg. This approach is faster than creating a new message for buffers as the message can reuse memory allocated during previous use.

function mamaMsg_getNativeHandle

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsg_getNativeHandle(
    const mamaMsg msg,
    void ** result

Get the native middleware message handle. This is only intended for internal use.

function mamaMsgIterator_create

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_create(
    mamaMsgIterator * iterator,
    mamaDictionary dict


  • iterator Pointer to memory to be used for iterator
  • dict The mamaDictionary to be associated with the iterator

Return: mama_status The outcome of the operation

Creates a new iterator for use with a mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_associate

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_associate(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator,
    mamaMsg msg


  • msg The mamaMsg that will use the iterator
  • iterator iterator for use with msg

Return: mama_status The outcome of the operation

Associate an iterator for use with a mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_setDict

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_setDict(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator,
    mamaDictionary dict


  • iterator The iterator that will use the dictionary
  • dict The dictionary to be used

Return: mama_status The outcome of the operation.

Associate a mamaDictionary for use with an iterator

function mamaMsgIterator_next

MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_next(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator


  • iterator The iterator being used

Return: mamaMsgField The next field in the message

Return the next field in the mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_hasNext

MAMAExpDLL mama_bool_t mamaMsgIterator_hasNext(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator


  • iterator The iterator being used

Return: bool Does the message have another field

Return whether there is a next next field in the mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_begin

MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_begin(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator


  • iterator The iterator being used

Return: mamaMsgField The first field in the message

Set iterator to first field in mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_end

MAMAExpDLL mamaMsgField mamaMsgIterator_end(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator


  • iterator The iterator being used

Return: mamaMsgField The last field in the message

Set iterator to last field in mamaMsg

function mamaMsgIterator_destroy

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgIterator_destroy(
    mamaMsgIterator iterator


  • iterator The iterator being destroyed

Destroy iterator

Attributes Documentation

variable mamaPayloadType


variable id

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen const char id;

variable msgString

MAMAIgnoreDeprecatedOpen const char * msgString;

Macros Documentation


#define ENTITLE_FIELD_NAME "wEntitleCode"


#define ENTITLE_FIELD_ID 496





Source code

/* $Id$
 * OpenMAMA: The open middleware agnostic messaging API
 * Copyright (C) 2011 NYSE Technologies, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA

#ifndef MamaMsgH__
#define MamaMsgH__

#include <mama/types.h>
#include <mama/status.h>
#include <mama/fielddesc.h>
#include <mama/msgtype.h>
#include "wombat/port.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ENTITLE_FIELD_NAME  "wEntitleCode"
#define ENTITLE_FIELD_ID    496

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {


struct wombatMsg_;

        "mamaPayloadType has been deprecated, use dynamic loading instead!")
typedef enum mamaPayloadType_
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_SOLACE     = '1',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_V5         = '5',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_AVIS       = 'A',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_FAST       = 'F',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_HMS        = 'H',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_RAI        = 'I',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_UMS        = 'L',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_QPID       = 'Q',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_TIBRV      = 'R',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_ACTIV      = 'T',
    MAMA_PAYLOAD_EXEGY      = 'X',

/* Unknown Payload */
} mamaPayloadType;

extern const char*
mamaPayload_convertToString (mamaPayloadType payloadType);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_create (mamaMsg* msg);

        "mamaMsg_createForPayload has been deprecated, use dynamic loading instead!")
extern mama_status
mamaMsg_createForPayload (mamaMsg* msg, const char id);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_createForPayloadBridge (mamaMsg* msg, mamaPayloadBridge payloadBridge);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_createForTemplate (mamaMsg* msg, mama_u32_t templateId);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_copy (mamaMsg src, mamaMsg *copy);
extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getTempCopy (mamaMsg src, mamaMsg* copy);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_clear (mamaMsg msg);

mamaMsg_getSendSubject (const mamaMsg msg, const char** subject);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_destroy (mamaMsg msg);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getPayloadType (mamaMsg msg, mamaPayloadType* payloadType);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getByteSize (
        const mamaMsg  msg,
        mama_size_t*   size);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_bool_t     value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    char            value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_i8_t       value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_u8_t       value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_i16_t      value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_u16_t      value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_i32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_u32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_i64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_u64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_f32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_f64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    const char*  value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addOpaque (
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    const void*  value,
    mama_size_t  size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addDateTime (
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaDateTime  value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addPrice (
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaPrice     value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg       msg,
    const char*   name,
    mama_fid_t    fid,
    const mamaMsg value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorBool (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_bool_t  value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorChar (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const char         value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorI8 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_i8_t    value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorU8 (
    mamaMsg          msg,
    const char*      name,
    mama_fid_t       fid,
    const mama_u8_t  value[],
    mama_size_t      numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorI16 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_i16_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorU16 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_u16_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorI32 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_i32_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorU32 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_u32_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorI64 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_i64_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorU64 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_u64_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorF32 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_f32_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorF64 (
    mamaMsg            msg,
    const char*        name,
    mama_fid_t         fid,
    const mama_f64_t   value[],
    mama_size_t        numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorString (
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    const char*  value[],
    mama_size_t  numElements);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    const mamaMsg   value[],
    mama_size_t     numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorDateTime (
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaDateTime  value[],
    mama_size_t         numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_addVectorPrice (
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaPrice     value[],
    mama_size_t         numElements);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg      msg,
        const char*  name,
        mama_fid_t   fid,
        mama_bool_t  value);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg     msg,
        const char* name,
        mama_fid_t  fid,
        char        value);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg     msg,
        const char* name,
        mama_fid_t  fid,
        mama_i8_t   value);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg      msg,
        const char*  name,
        mama_fid_t   fid,
        mama_u8_t    value);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg      msg,
        const char*  name,
        mama_fid_t   fid,
        mama_i16_t   value);

extern mama_status
        mamaMsg      msg,
        const char*  name,
        mama_fid_t   fid,
        mama_u16_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_i32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_u32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_i64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_u64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_f32_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    mama_f64_t   value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    const char*  value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg      msg,
    const char*  name,
    mama_fid_t   fid,
    const void*  value,
    mama_size_t  size);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaDateTime  value);

extern mama_status
    mamaMsg             msg,
    const char*         name,
    mama_fid_t          fid,
    const mamaPrice     value);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_bool_t*   result);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_applyMsg (mamaMsg    dest, mamaMsg    src);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getNativeMsg (mamaMsg msg, void** nativeMsg);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getReplyHandle (mamaMsg msg, mamaMsgReply* replyHandle);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_setReplyHandle (mamaMsg msg, mamaMsgReply replyHandle);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_copyReplyHandle (mamaMsgReply src, mamaMsgReply* copy);
extern mama_status
mamaMsg_destroyReplyHandle (mamaMsgReply replyHandle);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateSubMsg (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaMsg         subMsg);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorMsg (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaMsg         msgList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorString (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const char*           strList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorBool (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_bool_t     boolList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorChar (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const char            charList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorI8 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_i8_t       i8List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorU8 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_u8_t       u8List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorI16 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_i16_t      i16List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorU16 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_u16_t      u16List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorI32 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_i32_t      i32List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorU32 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_u32_t      u32List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorI64 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_i64_t      i64List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorU64 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_u64_t      u64List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorF32 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_f32_t       f32List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorF64 (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mama_f64_t       f64List[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorPrice (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaPrice       priceList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_updateVectorTime (
    mamaMsg               msg,
    const char*           fname,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaDateTime    timeList[],
    mama_size_t           numElements);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    char*          result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_i8_t*     result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_u8_t*     result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg   msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    mama_i16_t*     result);

extern mama_status
        const mamaMsg   msg,
        const char*     name,
        mama_fid_t      fid,
        mama_u16_t*     result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_i32_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_u32_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_i64_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_u64_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_f32_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_f64_t*    result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    const char**   result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    const void**   result,
    mama_size_t*   size);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mamaMsgField*   result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mamaDateTime   result);

    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_u64_t*    milliseconds);

    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mama_f64_t*    seconds);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mamaPrice      result);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getMsg (
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    name,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    mamaMsg*       result);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorBool (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_bool_t**  result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorChar (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const char**         result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorI8 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_i8_t**    result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorU8 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_u8_t**    result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorI16 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_i16_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorU16 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_u16_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorI32 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_i32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorU32 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_u32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorI64 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_i64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorU64 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_u64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorF32 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_f32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorF64 (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mama_f64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorString (
    const mamaMsg   msg,
    const char*     name,
    mama_fid_t      fid,
    const char***   result,
    mama_size_t*    resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorDateTime (
    const mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*           name,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaDateTime**  result,
    mama_size_t*          resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorPrice (
    const mamaMsg         msg,
    const char*           name,
    mama_fid_t            fid,
    const mamaPrice**     result,
    mama_size_t*          resultLen);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getVectorMsg (
    const mamaMsg        msg,
    const char*          name,
    mama_fid_t           fid,
    const mamaMsg**      result,
    mama_size_t*         resultLen);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    mama_size_t*   numFields);

extern const char*
    const mamaMsg msg);

extern const char*
    const mamaMsg msg);

extern const char*
    const mamaMsg msg);

extern const char*
    const mamaMsg msg,
    const mamaDictionary dictionary);

        "mamaMsg_freeString has been deprecated - memory now managed by bridge")
extern void
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    msgString );

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    mama_i32_t*    code );

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsg   msg,
    mama_seqnum_t*  seqNum);

extern mamaMsgType
mamaMsgType_typeForMsg (const mamaMsg msg);

extern const char* mamaMsgType_stringForMsg (const mamaMsg msg);

extern const char* mamaMsgType_stringForType (const mamaMsgType type);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getFieldAsString (
    const mamaMsg  msg,
    const char*    fieldName,
    mama_fid_t     fid,
    char*          buf,
    mama_size_t    length);

typedef void(MAMACALLTYPE *mamaMsgIteratorCb)(const mamaMsg       msg,
                                 const mamaMsgField  field,
                                 void*               closure);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_iterateFields (const mamaMsg         msg,
                       mamaMsgIteratorCb     callback,
                       const mamaDictionary  dict,
                       void*                 closure);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getPlatformError (const mamaMsg  msg,
                          void**         error);

extern int
mamaMsg_isFromInbox (const mamaMsg msg);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_createFromByteBuffer (
            mamaMsg*       msg,
            const void*    buffer,
            mama_size_t    bufferLength);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_getByteBuffer (const mamaMsg  msg,
                       const void**   buffer,
                       mama_size_t*   bufferLength);

extern mama_status
mamaMsg_detach (mamaMsg  msg);

mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDuplicate (mamaMsg msg, int* result);

mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDuplicate (mamaMsg msg, int* result);

mamaMsg_getIsPossiblyDelayed (mamaMsg msg, int* result);

mamaMsg_getIsDefinitelyDelayed (mamaMsg msg, int* result);

mamaMsg_getIsOutOfSequence (mamaMsg msg, int* result);

mamaMsg_setNewBuffer (mamaMsg      msg,
                      void*         buffer,
                      mama_size_t   size);

mamaMsg_getNativeHandle (const mamaMsg  msg,
                         void**         result);

mamaMsgIterator_create (mamaMsgIterator* iterator, mamaDictionary dict);
mama_status mamaMsgIterator_associate (mamaMsgIterator iterator, mamaMsg msg);
mama_status mamaMsgIterator_setDict (mamaMsgIterator iterator,
                                     mamaDictionary dict);
mamaMsgIterator_next (mamaMsgIterator iterator);

mamaMsgIterator_hasNext (mamaMsgIterator iterator);

mamaMsgIterator_begin (mamaMsgIterator iterator);
mamaMsgIterator_end (mamaMsgIterator iterator);

mamaMsgIterator_destroy (mamaMsgIterator iterator);

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif /* MamaMsgH__ */

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:29:16 +0100