Classes Files



MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_create(mamaMsgField * msgField)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_destroy(mamaMsgField msgField)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getDescriptor(const mamaMsgField msgField, mamaFieldDescriptor * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getFid(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_fid_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getName(const mamaMsgField msgField, const char ** result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getType(const mamaMsgField msgField, mamaFieldType * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getTypeName(const mamaMsgField msgField, const char ** result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getBool(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_bool_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getChar(const mamaMsgField msgField, char * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI8(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_i8_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU8(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_u8_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI16(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_i16_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU16(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_u16_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI32(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_i32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU32(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_u32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI64(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_i64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU64(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_u64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getF32(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_f32_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getF64(const mamaMsgField msgField, mama_f64_t * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getString(const mamaMsgField msgField, const char ** result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getOpaque(const mamaMsgField msgField, const void ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getDateTime(const mamaMsgField msgField, mamaDateTime result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getPrice(const mamaMsgField msgField, mamaPrice result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getMsg(const mamaMsgField msgField, mamaMsg * result)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorBool(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_bool_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorChar(const mamaMsgField msgField, const char ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI8(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_i8_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU8(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_u8_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI16(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_i16_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU16(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_u16_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI32(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_i32_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU32(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_u32_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI64(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_i64_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU64(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_u64_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorF32(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_f32_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorF64(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mama_f64_t ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorString(const mamaMsgField msgField, const char *** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorMsg(const mamaMsgField msgField, const mamaMsg ** result, mama_size_t * size)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getAsString(const mamaMsgField field, char * buf, mama_size_t length)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateBool(mamaMsgField field, mama_bool_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateChar(mamaMsgField field, char value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI8(mamaMsgField field, mama_i8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU8(mamaMsgField field, mama_u8_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI16(mamaMsgField field, mama_i16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU16(mamaMsgField field, mama_u16_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI32(mamaMsgField field, mama_i32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU32(mamaMsgField field, mama_u32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI64(mamaMsgField field, mama_i64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU64(mamaMsgField field, mama_u64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateF32(mamaMsgField field, mama_f32_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateF64(mamaMsgField field, mama_f64_t value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateDateTime(mamaMsgField field, const mamaDateTime value)
MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updatePrice(mamaMsgField field, const mamaPrice value)

Functions Documentation

function mamaMsgField_create

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_create(
    mamaMsgField * msgField


  • msgField A pointer to the result.

Create a field.

function mamaMsgField_destroy

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_destroy(
    mamaMsgField msgField


  • msgField The field.

Destroy a message and free any resources associated with it.

function mamaMsgField_getDescriptor

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getDescriptor(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaFieldDescriptor * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get the field descriptor for this field.

function mamaMsgField_getFid

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getFid(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_fid_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get the field ID for this field.

function mamaMsgField_getName

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getName(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const char ** result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result.

Get the field name for this field.

function mamaMsgField_getType

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getType(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaFieldType * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get the field type for this field.

function mamaMsgField_getTypeName

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getTypeName(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const char ** result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result.

Get the type name for this field. This is a human readable representation of the type.

function mamaMsgField_getBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getBool(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_bool_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a boolean field.

function mamaMsgField_getChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getChar(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    char * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a character field.

function mamaMsgField_getI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI8(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_i8_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I8, signed 8 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU8(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_u8_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a U8, unsigned 8 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI16(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_i16_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I16, signed 16 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU16(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_u16_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a U16, unsigned 16 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_i32_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I32, signed 32 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_u32_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a U32, unsigned 32 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getI64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_i64_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a I64, signed 64 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getU64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_u64_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a U64, unsigned 64 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getF32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_f32_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a F32, floating point 32 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getF64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mama_f64_t * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) Pointer to the result

Get a F64, floating point 64 bit integer, field.

function mamaMsgField_getString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getString(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const char ** result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) the string value.

Get a const char * field.

function mamaMsgField_getOpaque

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getOpaque(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const void ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) The opaque value.
  • size The size of the resulting opaque value.

Get an opaque field.

function mamaMsgField_getDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getDateTime(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaDateTime result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) the output value.

Get a MAMA date/time field.

function mamaMsgField_getPrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getPrice(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaPrice result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) the output value.

Get a MAMA price field.

function mamaMsgField_getMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getMsg(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaMsg * result


  • msgField The field.
  • result (out) the mamaMsg output value.

Get a MAMA submessage field.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorBool(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_bool_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of booleans.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorChar(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const char ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of characters.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI8(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_i8_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 8 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU8(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_u8_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 8 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI16(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_i16_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 16 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU16(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_u16_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 16 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_i32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 32 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_u32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 32 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorI64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_i64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of signed 64 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorU64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_u64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of unsigned 64 bit integers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorF32(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_f32_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of 32 bit floating point numbers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorF64(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mama_f64_t ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of 64 bit floating point numbers.

function mamaMsgField_getVectorString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorString(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const char *** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The message field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size An integer pointer that will contain the length of the result when the method returns..

Get a vector of strings (char*).

function mamaMsgField_getVectorMsg

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getVectorMsg(
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    const mamaMsg ** result,
    mama_size_t * size


  • msgField The field.
  • result A pointer to the result.
  • size A pointer for the length of the result.

Get a vector of submessages.

function mamaMsgField_getAsString

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_getAsString(
    const mamaMsgField field,
    char * buf,
    mama_size_t length


  • field The field.
  • buf Buffer where the result will be copied.
  • length The length of the caller supplied buffer.

Convert the value of the specified field to a string. Caller must provide a buffer for the value.

function mamaMsgField_updateBool

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateBool(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_bool_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new bool value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type bool.

function mamaMsgField_updateChar

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateChar(
    mamaMsgField field,
    char value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new char value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type char.

function mamaMsgField_updateI8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI8(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_i8_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new I8 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type I8.

function mamaMsgField_updateU8

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU8(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_u8_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new U8 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type U8.

function mamaMsgField_updateI16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI16(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_i16_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new I16 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type I16.

function mamaMsgField_updateU16

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU16(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_u16_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new U16 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type U16.

function mamaMsgField_updateI32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI32(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_i32_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new I32 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type I32.

function mamaMsgField_updateU32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU32(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_u32_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new U32 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type U32.

function mamaMsgField_updateI64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateI64(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_i64_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new I64 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type I64.

function mamaMsgField_updateU64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateU64(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_u64_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new U64 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type U64.

function mamaMsgField_updateF32

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateF32(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_f32_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new F32 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type F32.

function mamaMsgField_updateF64

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateF64(
    mamaMsgField field,
    mama_f64_t value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new F64 value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type F32.

function mamaMsgField_updateDateTime

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updateDateTime(
    mamaMsgField field,
    const mamaDateTime value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new MamaDateTime value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type F32.

function mamaMsgField_updatePrice

MAMAExpDLL mama_status mamaMsgField_updatePrice(
    mamaMsgField field,
    const mamaPrice value


  • field The mamaMsgField to be updated.
  • value The new value for the field.


  • MAMA_STATUS_OK The function returned successfully.
  • MAMA_STATUS_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE The existing field type does not match the type of the update function called.
  • MAMA_STATUS_NULL_ARG The field passed to the function is NULL.
  • MAMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARG The underlying bridge field is NULL.

Update the specified field with a new MamaDateTime value. Returns MAMA_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE if the existing field is not of type F32.

Source code

/* $Id$
 * OpenMAMA: The open middleware agnostic messaging API
 * Copyright (C) 2011 NYSE Technologies, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA

#ifndef MamaMsgFieldH__
#define MamaMsgFieldH__

#include <mama/types.h>
#include <mama/status.h>
#include <mama/fielddesc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "wombat/port.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_create (mamaMsgField*  msgField);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_destroy (mamaMsgField msgField);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField    msgField,
    mamaFieldDescriptor*  result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_fid_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    const char**        result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mamaFieldType*      result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    const char**        result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_bool_t*        result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    char*               result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_i8_t*          result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_u8_t*          result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_i16_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_u16_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_i32_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_u32_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_i64_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_u64_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_f32_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mama_f64_t*         result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    const char**        result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    const void**        result,
    mama_size_t*        size);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mamaDateTime        result);

extern mama_status
    const mamaMsgField  msgField,
    mamaPrice           result);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getMsg (
    const mamaMsgField msgField,
    mamaMsg*           result);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorBool (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_bool_t**  result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorChar (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const char**         result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorI8 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_i8_t**    result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorU8 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_u8_t**    result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorI16 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_i16_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorU16 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_u16_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorI32 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_i32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorU32 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_u32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorI64 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_i64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorU64 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_u64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorF32 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_f32_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorF64 (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mama_f64_t**   result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorString (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const char***        result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getVectorMsg (
    const mamaMsgField   msgField,
    const mamaMsg**      result,
    mama_size_t*         size);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_getAsString (
    const mamaMsgField  field,
    char*               buf,
    mama_size_t         length);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateBool (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_bool_t   value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateChar (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    char          value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateI8 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_i8_t     value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateU8 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_u8_t     value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateI16 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_i16_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateU16 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_u16_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateI32 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_i32_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateU32 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_u32_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateI64 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_i64_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateU64 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_u64_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateF32 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_f32_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateF64 (
    mamaMsgField  field,
    mama_f64_t    value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updateDateTime (
    mamaMsgField        field,
    const mamaDateTime  value);

extern mama_status
mamaMsgField_updatePrice (
    mamaMsgField    field,
    const mamaPrice value);

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif /* MamaMsgFieldH__ */

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:29:16 +0100