Classes Files



#include <MamaFieldCacheFieldTypes.h>

Inherits from Wombat::MamaFieldCacheFieldBase

Public Functions

void set(MamaFieldCacheField & field, const T * values, mama_size_t size)
void get(const MamaFieldCacheField & field, const T *& values, mama_size_t & size) const
const T & get(const MamaFieldCacheField & field, mama_size_t index) const

Protected Functions

void checkType(const MamaFieldCacheField & field) const

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Wombat::MamaFieldCacheFieldBase

virtual ~MamaFieldCacheFieldBase()

Protected Functions inherited from Wombat::MamaFieldCacheFieldBase


Detailed Description

template <typename T ,
mamaFieldType fieldType>
class Wombat::MamaFieldCacheFieldVectorBasic;

MamaFieldCacheFieldVectorBasic. Base class for basic vector types. Allows to set and get the value of the field.

Public Functions Documentation

function set

void set(
    MamaFieldCacheField & field,
    const T * values,
    mama_size_t size


  • field The field to set the values to.
  • values The new values of the field.
  • size The number of fields in values.

Set the field value.

function get

void get(
    const MamaFieldCacheField & field,
    const T *& values,
    mama_size_t & size
) const


  • field The field to get the values from.
  • values A reference to the values to be returned.
  • size A reference to the size of the vector to be returned.

Return the field values.

function get

const T & get(
    const MamaFieldCacheField & field,
    mama_size_t index
) const


  • field The field to get the value from.
  • index The index of the element of the vector to get the value from.

Return: The value of the field.

Return the value of a specific field of a vector field.

Protected Functions Documentation

function checkType

inline void checkType(
    const MamaFieldCacheField & field
) const

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:29:24 +0100