Classes Files


Class that represents a field in a MamaMsg

Inherits from Wombat.MamaWrapper, IDisposable

Public Functions

void destroy()
Destroy the MamaMsg
mamaFieldType getType()
Get the field type for this field.
MamaFieldDescriptor getDescriptor()
Get the field descriptor for this field.
string getAsString()
Convert the value of the specified field to a string. ( up to 255 characters )
int getFid()
Get the field ID for this field.
string getName()
Get the field name for this field.
string getTypeName()
Get the type name for this field. This is a human readable representation of the type.
bool getBool()
Get a bool field.
char getChar()
Get a character field.
sbyte getI8()
Get a I8, signed 8 bit integer, field.
byte getU8()
Get a U8, unsigned 8 bit integer, field.
short getI16()
Get a I16, signed 16 bit integer, field.
ushort getU16()
Get a U16, unsigned 16 bit integer, field.
int getI32()
Get a I32, signed 32 bit integer, field.
uint getU32()
Get a U32, unsigned 32 bit integer, field.
long getI64()
Get a I64, signed 64 bit integer, field.
ulong getU64()
Get a U64, unsigned 64 bit integer, field.
float getF32()
Get a F32, floating point 32 bit integer, field.
double getF64()
Get a F64, floating point 64 bit integer, field.
string getString()
Get a string field.
byte[] getOpaque()
Get an opaque field.
DateTime getDateTime()
Get a MAMA date/time field.
MamaPrice getPrice()
Get a MAMA price field.
MamaMsg getMsg()
Get a MamaMsg field
bool[] getVectorBool()
Get a vector of booleans.
char[] getVectorChar()
Get a vector of characters.
sbyte[] getVectorI8()
Get a vector of signed 8 bit integers.
byte[] getVectorU8()
Get a vector of unsigned 8 bit integers.
short[] getVectorI16()
Get a vector of signed 16 bit integers.
ushort[] getVectorU16()
Get a vector of unsigned 16 bit integers.
int[] getVectorI32()
Get a vector of signed 32 bit integers.
uint[] getVectorU32()
Get a vector of unsigned 32 bit integers.
long[] getVectorI64()
Get a vector of signed 64 bit integers.
ulong[] getVectorU64()
Get a vector of unsigned 64 bit integers.
float[] getVectorF32()
Get a vector of 32 bit floating point numbers.
double[] getVectorF64()
Get a vector of 64 bit floating point numbers.
string[] getVectorString()
Get a vector of strings
MamaMsg[] getVectorMsg()
Get a vector of submessages.

Protected Functions

virtual override MamaStatus.mamaStatus DestroyNativePeer()
Implements the destruction of the underlying peer object MamaWrapper.DestroyNativePeer

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

void Dispose()
Destroys the underlying peer object and unbinds the wrapper from it.
void setNativeHandle(IntPtr nHandle)
Sets the native handle of the native peer object. Should only be used by subclasses and in the same assembly.

Protected Functions inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

Constructs a new wrapper object but doesn’t create it. If the object is not explicitly disposed it will remain registered for finalization and will attempt the destroy the native peer object when finalized.
  MamaWrapper(IntPtr nativeHandle)
Constructs a managed wrapper from an existing native peer. The peer object will not be automatically finalized
virtual void Dispose(bool disposing, bool destroyNativeHandle =true)
The actual implementation of Dispose - called by both the Dispose method and the finalizer.
virtual void OnDispose()

Protected Attributes inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

IntPtr nativeHandle
the handle to the native peer object

Public Functions Documentation

function MamaMsgField


function destroy

void destroy()

Destroy the MamaMsg

function getType

mamaFieldType getType()

Get the field type for this field.


function getDescriptor

MamaFieldDescriptor getDescriptor()

Get the field descriptor for this field.


function getAsString

string getAsString()

Convert the value of the specified field to a string. ( up to 255 characters )


function getFid

int getFid()

Get the field ID for this field.

function getName

string getName()

Get the field name for this field.

function getTypeName

string getTypeName()

Get the type name for this field. This is a human readable representation of the type.

function getBool

bool getBool()

Get a bool field.

function getChar

char getChar()

Get a character field.

function getI8

sbyte getI8()

Get a I8, signed 8 bit integer, field.

function getU8

byte getU8()

Get a U8, unsigned 8 bit integer, field.

function getI16

short getI16()

Get a I16, signed 16 bit integer, field.

function getU16

ushort getU16()

Get a U16, unsigned 16 bit integer, field.

function getI32

int getI32()

Get a I32, signed 32 bit integer, field.

function getU32

uint getU32()

Get a U32, unsigned 32 bit integer, field.

function getI64

long getI64()

Get a I64, signed 64 bit integer, field.

function getU64

ulong getU64()

Get a U64, unsigned 64 bit integer, field.

function getF32

float getF32()

Get a F32, floating point 32 bit integer, field.

function getF64

double getF64()

Get a F64, floating point 64 bit integer, field.

function getString

string getString()

Get a string field.

function getOpaque

byte[] getOpaque()

Get an opaque field.

function getDateTime

DateTime getDateTime()

Get a MAMA date/time field.

function getPrice

MamaPrice getPrice()

Get a MAMA price field.

function getMsg

MamaMsg getMsg()

Get a MamaMsg field

function getVectorBool

bool[] getVectorBool()

Get a vector of booleans.

function getVectorChar

char[] getVectorChar()

Get a vector of characters.

function getVectorI8

sbyte[] getVectorI8()

Get a vector of signed 8 bit integers.

function getVectorU8

byte[] getVectorU8()

Get a vector of unsigned 8 bit integers.

function getVectorI16

short[] getVectorI16()

Get a vector of signed 16 bit integers.

function getVectorU16

ushort[] getVectorU16()

Get a vector of unsigned 16 bit integers.

function getVectorI32

int[] getVectorI32()

Get a vector of signed 32 bit integers.

function getVectorU32

uint[] getVectorU32()

Get a vector of unsigned 32 bit integers.

function getVectorI64

long[] getVectorI64()

Get a vector of signed 64 bit integers.

function getVectorU64

ulong[] getVectorU64()

Get a vector of unsigned 64 bit integers.

function getVectorF32

float[] getVectorF32()

Get a vector of 32 bit floating point numbers.

function getVectorF64

double[] getVectorF64()

Get a vector of 64 bit floating point numbers.

function getVectorString

string[] getVectorString()

Get a vector of strings

Return: Arrat if strings.

function getVectorMsg

MamaMsg[] getVectorMsg()

Get a vector of submessages.

Protected Functions Documentation

function DestroyNativePeer

virtual override MamaStatus.mamaStatus DestroyNativePeer()

Implements the destruction of the underlying peer object MamaWrapper.DestroyNativePeer

Return: MAMA Status code

Reimplements: Wombat::MamaWrapper::DestroyNativePeer

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:29:32 +0100