Classes Files


A MamaSourceGroupManager monitors a set of MamaSourceGroups

Inherits from Wombat.MamaWrapper, IDisposable

Public Functions

Constructs and creates a new source group manager object. M:Wombat.MamaWrapper.::ctor
void destroy()
Destroy the source. A synonym to the MamaWrapper.Dispose method.
IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
Provides an enumerator over the source groups
MamaSourceGroup create(string name)
Create a new mamaSourceGroup and add it to the manager.
MamaSourceGroup findOrCreate(string name)
Locates an existing mamaSourceGroup for the given name. If none exists creates a new mamaSource and adds to the sourceGroupManager.
MamaSourceGroup find(string name)
Locates an existing mamaSourceGroup in the specified sourceGroupManager with the specified string ‘name’ identifier. Returns the source, or null if no source was located in the source group manager.
void add(MamaSourceGroup sourceGroup)
Add an existing MamaSourceGroup to the specified mamaSourceGroupManager. The name of the sourceGroup will be used to uniquely identify the sourceGroup within the manager.

Protected Functions

virtual override MamaStatus.mamaStatus DestroyNativePeer()
Implements the destruction of the underlying peer object. MamaWrapper.DestroyNativePeer

Public Properties

MamaSourceGroup this[string sourceGroupName]
Helper, utilizing find and add
int size
Returns the number of source groups in the source group manager

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

void Dispose()
Destroys the underlying peer object and unbinds the wrapper from it.
void setNativeHandle(IntPtr nHandle)
Sets the native handle of the native peer object. Should only be used by subclasses and in the same assembly.

Protected Functions inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

Constructs a new wrapper object but doesn’t create it. If the object is not explicitly disposed it will remain registered for finalization and will attempt the destroy the native peer object when finalized.
  MamaWrapper(IntPtr nativeHandle)
Constructs a managed wrapper from an existing native peer. The peer object will not be automatically finalized
virtual void Dispose(bool disposing, bool destroyNativeHandle =true)
The actual implementation of Dispose - called by both the Dispose method and the finalizer.
virtual void OnDispose()

Protected Attributes inherited from Wombat.MamaWrapper

IntPtr nativeHandle
the handle to the native peer object

Public Functions Documentation

function MamaSourceGroupManager


Constructs and creates a new source group manager object. M:Wombat.MamaWrapper.::ctor

function destroy

void destroy()

Destroy the source. A synonym to the MamaWrapper.Dispose method.

function GetEnumerator

IEnumerator GetEnumerator()

Provides an enumerator over the source groups

function create

MamaSourceGroup create(
    string name

Create a new mamaSourceGroup and add it to the manager.


  • name The string identifier for the mamaSourceGroup.

Return: The added source group

function findOrCreate

MamaSourceGroup findOrCreate(
    string name

Locates an existing mamaSourceGroup for the given name. If none exists creates a new mamaSource and adds to the sourceGroupManager.


  • name The string identifier for the mamaSourceGroup

Return: The found (or added) source group

function find

MamaSourceGroup find(
    string name

Locates an existing mamaSourceGroup in the specified sourceGroupManager with the specified string ‘name’ identifier. Returns the source, or null if no source was located in the source group manager.


  • name The string identifier for the required mamaSourceGroup.


function add

void add(
    MamaSourceGroup sourceGroup

Add an existing MamaSourceGroup to the specified mamaSourceGroupManager. The name of the sourceGroup will be used to uniquely identify the sourceGroup within the manager.


Protected Functions Documentation

function DestroyNativePeer

virtual override MamaStatus.mamaStatus DestroyNativePeer()

Implements the destruction of the underlying peer object. MamaWrapper.DestroyNativePeer

Reimplements: Wombat::MamaWrapper::DestroyNativePeer

Public Property Documentation

property this[string sourceGroupName]

MamaSourceGroup this[string sourceGroupName];

Helper, utilizing find and add

property size

int size;

Returns the number of source groups in the source group manager

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:29:33 +0100