Inherits from Wombat.MamdaTradeRecap, Wombat.MamdaBasicEvent
Name | |
MamdaConcreteTradeRecap() | |
void | clear() Clear the recap data |
string | getSymbol() |
MamdaFieldState | getSymbolFieldState() |
void | setSymbol(string symbol) |
string | getPartId() |
MamdaFieldState | getPartIdFieldState() |
void | setPartId(string partId) |
long | getAccVolume() Total volume of shares traded in a security at the time it is disseminated. |
MamdaFieldState | getAccVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setAccVolume(long accVolume) |
void | setAccVolume(double accVolume) |
long | getOffExAccVolume() Total volume of shares traded off exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. |
MamdaFieldState | getOffExAccVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOffExAccVolume(long offExAccVolume) |
void | setOffExAccVolume(double offExAccVolume) |
long | getOnExAccVolume() Total volume of shares traded on exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. |
MamdaFieldState | getOnExAccVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOnExAccVolume(long onExAccVolume) |
void | setOnExAccVolume(double onExAccVolume) |
DateTime | getActivityTime() |
MamdaFieldState | getActivityTimeFieldState() Returns the field state. |
void | setActTime(DateTime actTime) |
DateTime | getLineTime() |
MamdaFieldState | getLineTimeFieldState() |
void | setLineTime(DateTime lineTime) |
DateTime | getSendTime() |
MamdaFieldState | getSendTimeFieldState() |
void | setSendTime(DateTime sendTime) |
string | getPubId() |
MamdaFieldState | getPubIdFieldState() |
void | setPubId(string pubId) |
long | getBlockCount() The number of block trades (at least 10,000 shares) today. |
MamdaFieldState | getBlockCountFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setBlockCount(long blockCount) |
long | getBlockVolume() Total volume of block trades today. |
MamdaFieldState | getBlockVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setBlockVolume(long blockVolume) |
void | setBlockVolume(double blockVolume) |
MamaPrice | getClosePrice() Today’s closing price. The closing price field is populated when official closing prices are sent by the feed after the session close. |
MamdaFieldState | getClosePriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setClosePrice(MamaPrice closePrice) |
string | getCorrCondStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrCondStrFieldState() |
void | setCorrCondStr(string corrCondStr) |
string | getCorrPartId() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrPartIdFieldState() |
void | setCorrPartId(string corrPartId) |
MamaPrice | getCorrPrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrPriceFieldState() |
void | setCorrPrice(MamaPrice corrPrice) |
string | getCorrQualStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrQualStrFieldState() |
void | setCorrQualStr(string corrQualStr) |
string | getCorrQualNativeStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrQualNativeStrFieldState() |
void | setCorrQualNativeStr(string corrQualNativeStr) |
long | getCorrSellersSaleDays() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrSellersSaleDaysFieldState() |
void | setCorrSellersSaleDays(long corrSellersSaleDays) |
char | getCorrStopStockInd() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrStopStockIndFieldState() |
void | setCorrStopStockInd(char corrStopStockInd) |
DateTime | getCancelTime() |
MamdaFieldState | getCancelTimeFieldState() |
void | setCancelTime(DateTime cancelTime) |
long | getCorrVolume() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrVolumeFieldState() |
void | setCorrVolume(long corrVolume) |
void | setCorrVolume(double corrVolume) |
long | getEventSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getEventSeqNumFieldState() Returns the field state. |
void | setEventSeqNum(long eventSeqNum) |
DateTime | getEventTime() |
MamdaFieldState | getEventTimeFieldState() Returns the field state. |
void | setEventTime(DateTime eventTime) |
MamaPrice | getHighPrice() Highest price paid for security during the trading day. |
MamdaFieldState | getHighPriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setHighPrice(MamaPrice highPrice) |
string | getLastPartId() Trade participant ID. This is typically an exchange ID, sometimes a market maker ID. |
string | getTradeId() |
string | getCorrTradeId() |
string | getOrigTradeId() |
MamdaFieldState | getLastPartIdFieldState() Get the field state |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeIdFieldState() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigTradeIdFieldState() |
MamdaFieldState | getCorrTradeIdFieldState() |
void | setLastPartId(string lastPartId) |
void | setTradeId(string tradeId) |
void | setOrigTradeId(string origTradeId) |
void | setCorrTradeId(string corrTradeId) |
MamaPrice | getLastPrice() Monetary value of an individual share of the security at the time of the trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getLastPriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLastPrice(MamaPrice lastPrice) |
DateTime | getLastTime() Time corresponding to the last trade, as reported by the feed The exact time of the trade may not be available, since rules governing trade reporting allow for a trades to be reported within a specified time limit. |
MamdaFieldState | getLastTimeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLastTime(DateTime lastTime) |
DateTime | getTradeDate() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeDateFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTradeDate(DateTime tradeDate) |
MamaPrice | getIrregPrice() Monetary value of an individual share of the security at the time of the last irregular trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getIrregPriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setIrregPrice(MamaPrice irregPrice) |
long | getIrregVolume() Number of shares traded in a single transaction for an individual security. |
MamdaFieldState | getIrregVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setIrregVolume(long irregVolume) |
void | setIrregVolume(double irregVolume) |
string | getIrregPartId() Trade participant ID for the last irregular trade. This is typically an exchange ID, sometimes a market maker ID. |
MamdaFieldState | getIrregPartIdFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setIrregPartId(string irregPartId) |
DateTime | getIrregTime() Time corresponding to the last irregular trade, as reported by the feed The exact time of the trade may not be available, since rules governing trade reporting allow for a trades to be reported within a specified time limit. |
MamdaFieldState | getIrregTimeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setIrregTime(DateTime irregTime) |
long | getLastVolume() Number of shares traded in a single transaction for an individual security. |
MamdaFieldState | getLastVolumeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLastVolume(long lastVolume) |
void | setLastVolume(double lastVolume) |
MamaPrice | getLowPrice() Lowest price paid for security during the trading day. |
MamdaFieldState | getLowPriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLowPrice(MamaPrice lowPrice) |
MamaPrice | getNetChange() Get the change in price compared with the previous closing price |
MamdaFieldState | getNetChangeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setNetChange(MamaPrice netChange) |
MamaPrice | getOpenPrice() The price of the first qualifying trade in the security during the current trading day. |
MamdaFieldState | getOpenPriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOpenPrice(MamaPrice openPrice) |
string | getOrigCondStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigCondStrFieldState() |
void | setOrigCondStr(string origCondStr) |
string | getOrigPartId() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigPartIdFieldState() |
void | setOrigPartId(string origPartId) |
MamaPrice | getOrigPrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigPriceFieldState() |
void | setOrigPrice(MamaPrice origPrice) |
string | getOrigQualStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigQualStrFieldState() |
void | setOrigQualStr(string origQualStr) |
string | getOrigQualNativeStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigQualNativeStrFieldState() |
void | setOrigQualNativeStr(string origQualNativeStr) |
long | getOrigSellersSaleDays() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigSellersSaleDaysFieldState() |
void | setOrigSellersSaleDays(long origSellersSaleDays) |
char | getOrigStopStockInd() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigStopStockIndFieldState() |
void | setOrigStopStockInd(char origStopStockInd) |
long | getOrigSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigSeqNumFieldState() |
void | setOrigSeqNum(long origSeqNum) |
long | getOrigVolume() |
MamdaFieldState | getOrigVolumeFieldState() |
void | setOrigVolume(long origVolume) |
void | setOrigVolume(double origVolume) |
double | getPctChange() Change in price as a percentage. |
MamdaFieldState | getPctChangeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setPctChange(double pctChange) |
DateTime | getPrevCloseDate() Date corresponding to PrevClosePrice. getPrevClosePrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getPrevCloseDateFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setPrevCloseDate(DateTime prevCloseDate) |
MamaPrice | getAdjPrevClose() The previous close price adjusted by corporate actions, such as dividends and stock splits on the ex-date. getPrevClosePrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getAdjPrevCloseFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setAdjPrevClose(MamaPrice adjPrevClose) |
MamaPrice | getPrevClosePrice() The last qualifying trade price on the previous trading day. This field may be copied from the close price field during the morning “roll” of records in the feedhandler, or it may be obtained from a secondary source, or it may be explicitly sent by the feed prior to the opening of trading for the current day. |
MamdaFieldState | getPrevClosePriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setPrevClosePrice(MamaPrice prevClosePrice) |
long | getSellersSaleDays() |
MamdaFieldState | getSellersSaleDaysFieldState() |
void | setSellersSaleDays(long sellersSaleDays) |
char | getStopStockInd() |
MamdaFieldState | getStopStockIndFieldState() |
void | setStopStockInd(char stopStockInd) |
DateTime | getSrcTime() Returns the source time. |
MamdaFieldState | getSrcTimeFieldState() Returns the field state. |
void | setSrcTime(DateTime srcTime) |
double | getStdDev() Standard deviation of last trade price of a security at the time it is disseminated. |
MamdaFieldState | getStdDevFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setStdDev(double stdDev) |
double | getStdDevSum() |
MamdaFieldState | getStdDevSumFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setStdDevSum(double stdDevSum) |
double | getStdDevSumSquares() |
MamdaFieldState | getStdDevSumSquaresFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setStdDevSumSquares(double stdDevSumSquares) |
long | getOrderId() Get the order id, if available. |
MamdaFieldState | getOrderIdFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOrderId(long orderId) |
MamaPrice | getSettlePrice() Future’s / Options settlement price. |
MamdaFieldState | getSettlePriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setSettlePrice(MamaPrice settlePrice) |
DateTime | getSettleDate() Date corresponding to SettlePrice. getSettlePrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getSettleDateFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setSettleDate(DateTime settleDate) |
char | getShortSaleCircuitBreaker() getShortSaleCircuitBreaker Returns the ShortSaleCircuitBreaker |
MamdaFieldState | getShortSaleCircuitBreakerFieldState() Returns the FieldState, always MODIFIED. |
void | setShortSaleCircuitBreaker(char shortSaleCircuitBreaker) Set the shortSaleCircuitBreaker |
double | getTotalValue() Total value of all shares traded in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getTotalValueFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTotalValue(double totalValue) |
double | getOffExTotalValue() Total value of all shares traded off exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getOffExTotalValueFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOffExTotalValue(double offExTotalValue) |
double | getOnExTotalValue() Total value of all shares traded on exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getOnExTotalValueFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOnExTotalValue(double onExTotalValue) |
string | getTradeCondStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeCondStrFieldState() |
void | setTradeCondStr(string tradeCondStr) |
long | getTradeCount() The number of trades today. |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeCountFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTradeCount(long tradeCount) |
string | getTradeUnits() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeUnitsFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTradeUnits(string tradeUnits) |
long | getLastSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getLastSeqNumFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLastSeqNum(long lastSeqNum) |
long | getHighSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getHighSeqNumFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setHighSeqNum(long highSeqNum) |
long | getLowSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getLowSeqNumFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setLowSeqNum(long lowSeqNum) |
long | getTotalVolumeSeqNum() |
MamdaFieldState | getTotalVolumeSeqNumFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTotalVolumeSeqNum(long totalVolumeSeqNum) |
string | getCurrencyCode() |
MamdaFieldState | getCurrencyCodeFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setCurrencyCode(string currencyCode) |
string | getTradeDirection() Trade tick direction. 0 : No direction is currently known/available. |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeDirectionFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTradeDirection(string tradeDirection) |
string | getSide() Returns the Aggressor side or TradeSide |
MamdaFieldState | getSideFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setSide(string tradeSide) |
string | getTradePartId() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradePartIdFieldState() |
void | setTradePartId(string tradePartId) |
MamaPrice | getTradePrice() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradePriceFieldState() |
void | setTradePrice(MamaPrice tradePrice) |
string | getTradeQualStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeQualStrFieldState() |
void | setTradeQualStr(string tradeQualStr) |
string | getTradeQualNativeStr() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeQualNativeStrFieldState() |
void | setTradeQualNativeStr(string tradeQualNativeStr) |
long | getTradeVolume() |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeVolumeFieldState() |
void | setTradeVolume(long tradeVolume) |
void | setTradeVolume(double tradeVolume) |
double | getVwap() Volume-weighted average price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume. |
MamdaFieldState | getVwapFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setVwap(double vwap) |
double | getOffExVwap() Volume-weighted average off exchange price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume. |
MamdaFieldState | getOffExVwapFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOffExVwap(double offExVwap) |
double | getOnExVwap() Volume-weighted average on exchange price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume. |
MamdaFieldState | getOnExVwapFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOnExVwap(double onExVwap) |
bool | IsIrregular() |
void | setIsIrregular(bool isIrregular) |
bool | IsCancel() |
void | setIsCancel(bool isCancel) |
string | getTradeExecVenue() Trade execution venue. Unknown OnExchange OnExchangeOffBook OffExchange |
MamdaFieldState | getTradeExecVenueFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setTradeExecVenue(string tradeExecVenue) |
MamaPrice | getOffExchangeTradePrice() Monetary value of an individual off exchange share of the security at the time of the trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getOffExchangeTradePriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOffExchangeTradePrice(MamaPrice offExTradePrice) |
MamaPrice | getOnExchangeTradePrice() Monetary value of an individual off exchange share of the security at the time of the trade. |
MamdaFieldState | getOnExchangeTradePriceFieldState() Get the field state |
void | setOnExchangeTradePrice(MamaPrice onExTradePrice) |
void clear()
Clear the recap data
string getSymbol()
MamdaFieldState getSymbolFieldState()
void setSymbol(
string symbol
string getPartId()
MamdaFieldState getPartIdFieldState()
void setPartId(
string partId
long getAccVolume()
Total volume of shares traded in a security at the time it is disseminated.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getAccVolume
MamdaFieldState getAccVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getAccVolumeFieldState
void setAccVolume(
long accVolume
void setAccVolume(
double accVolume
long getOffExAccVolume()
Total volume of shares traded off exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExAccVolume
MamdaFieldState getOffExAccVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExAccVolumeFieldState
void setOffExAccVolume(
long offExAccVolume
void setOffExAccVolume(
double offExAccVolume
long getOnExAccVolume()
Total volume of shares traded on exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExAccVolume
MamdaFieldState getOnExAccVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExAccVolumeFieldState
void setOnExAccVolume(
long onExAccVolume
void setOnExAccVolume(
double onExAccVolume
DateTime getActivityTime()
Return: Activity time. A feed handler generated time stamp representing when the data item was last updated.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getActivityTime
MamdaFieldState getActivityTimeFieldState()
Returns the field state.
Return: Activity time Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getActivityTimeFieldState
void setActTime(
DateTime actTime
DateTime getLineTime()
MamdaFieldState getLineTimeFieldState()
void setLineTime(
DateTime lineTime
DateTime getSendTime()
MamdaFieldState getSendTimeFieldState()
void setSendTime(
DateTime sendTime
string getPubId()
MamdaFieldState getPubIdFieldState()
void setPubId(
string pubId
long getBlockCount()
The number of block trades (at least 10,000 shares) today.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getBlockCount
MamdaFieldState getBlockCountFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getBlockCountFieldState
void setBlockCount(
long blockCount
long getBlockVolume()
Total volume of block trades today.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getBlockVolume
MamdaFieldState getBlockVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getBlockVolumeFieldState
void setBlockVolume(
long blockVolume
void setBlockVolume(
double blockVolume
MamaPrice getClosePrice()
Today’s closing price. The closing price field is populated when official closing prices are sent by the feed after the session close.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getClosePrice
MamdaFieldState getClosePriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getClosePriceFieldState
void setClosePrice(
MamaPrice closePrice
string getCorrCondStr()
MamdaFieldState getCorrCondStrFieldState()
void setCorrCondStr(
string corrCondStr
string getCorrPartId()
MamdaFieldState getCorrPartIdFieldState()
void setCorrPartId(
string corrPartId
MamaPrice getCorrPrice()
MamdaFieldState getCorrPriceFieldState()
void setCorrPrice(
MamaPrice corrPrice
string getCorrQualStr()
MamdaFieldState getCorrQualStrFieldState()
void setCorrQualStr(
string corrQualStr
string getCorrQualNativeStr()
MamdaFieldState getCorrQualNativeStrFieldState()
void setCorrQualNativeStr(
string corrQualNativeStr
long getCorrSellersSaleDays()
MamdaFieldState getCorrSellersSaleDaysFieldState()
void setCorrSellersSaleDays(
long corrSellersSaleDays
char getCorrStopStockInd()
MamdaFieldState getCorrStopStockIndFieldState()
void setCorrStopStockInd(
char corrStopStockInd
DateTime getCancelTime()
MamdaFieldState getCancelTimeFieldState()
void setCancelTime(
DateTime cancelTime
long getCorrVolume()
MamdaFieldState getCorrVolumeFieldState()
void setCorrVolume(
long corrVolume
void setCorrVolume(
double corrVolume
long getEventSeqNum()
Return: Source sequence number. The exchange generated sequence number.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getEventSeqNum
MamdaFieldState getEventSeqNumFieldState()
Returns the field state.
Return: Source sequence number Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getEventSeqNumFieldState
void setEventSeqNum(
long eventSeqNum
DateTime getEventTime()
Return: Event time. Typically, when the event actually occurred. This is often the same as the “source time”, because many feeds do not distinguish between the actual event time and when the exchange sent the message.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getEventTime
MamdaFieldState getEventTimeFieldState()
Returns the field state.
Return: Event Time Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getEventTimeFieldState
void setEventTime(
DateTime eventTime
MamaPrice getHighPrice()
Highest price paid for security during the trading day.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getHighPrice
MamdaFieldState getHighPriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getHighPriceFieldState
void setHighPrice(
MamaPrice highPrice
string getLastPartId()
Trade participant ID. This is typically an exchange ID, sometimes a market maker ID.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastPartId
string getTradeId()
string getCorrTradeId()
string getOrigTradeId()
MamdaFieldState getLastPartIdFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastPartIdFieldState
MamdaFieldState getTradeIdFieldState()
MamdaFieldState getOrigTradeIdFieldState()
MamdaFieldState getCorrTradeIdFieldState()
void setLastPartId(
string lastPartId
void setTradeId(
string tradeId
void setOrigTradeId(
string origTradeId
void setCorrTradeId(
string corrTradeId
MamaPrice getLastPrice()
Monetary value of an individual share of the security at the time of the trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastPrice
MamdaFieldState getLastPriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastPriceFieldState
void setLastPrice(
MamaPrice lastPrice
DateTime getLastTime()
Time corresponding to the last trade, as reported by the feed The exact time of the trade may not be available, since rules governing trade reporting allow for a trades to be reported within a specified time limit.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastTime
MamdaFieldState getLastTimeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastTimeFieldState
void setLastTime(
DateTime lastTime
DateTime getTradeDate()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeDate
MamdaFieldState getTradeDateFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeDateFieldState
void setTradeDate(
DateTime tradeDate
MamaPrice getIrregPrice()
Monetary value of an individual share of the security at the time of the last irregular trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregPrice
MamdaFieldState getIrregPriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregPriceFieldState
void setIrregPrice(
MamaPrice irregPrice
long getIrregVolume()
Number of shares traded in a single transaction for an individual security.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregVolume
MamdaFieldState getIrregVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregVolumeFieldState
void setIrregVolume(
long irregVolume
void setIrregVolume(
double irregVolume
string getIrregPartId()
Trade participant ID for the last irregular trade. This is typically an exchange ID, sometimes a market maker ID.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregPartId
MamdaFieldState getIrregPartIdFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregPartIdFieldState
void setIrregPartId(
string irregPartId
DateTime getIrregTime()
Time corresponding to the last irregular trade, as reported by the feed The exact time of the trade may not be available, since rules governing trade reporting allow for a trades to be reported within a specified time limit.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregTime
MamdaFieldState getIrregTimeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getIrregTimeFieldState
void setIrregTime(
DateTime irregTime
long getLastVolume()
Number of shares traded in a single transaction for an individual security.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastVolume
MamdaFieldState getLastVolumeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastVolumeFieldState
void setLastVolume(
long lastVolume
void setLastVolume(
double lastVolume
MamaPrice getLowPrice()
Lowest price paid for security during the trading day.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLowPrice
MamdaFieldState getLowPriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLowPriceFieldState
void setLowPrice(
MamaPrice lowPrice
MamaPrice getNetChange()
Get the change in price compared with the previous closing price
Return: Change in price compared with the previous closing price (i.e. previous closing price - trade price).
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getNetChange
MamdaFieldState getNetChangeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getNetChangeFieldState
void setNetChange(
MamaPrice netChange
MamaPrice getOpenPrice()
The price of the first qualifying trade in the security during the current trading day.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOpenPrice
MamdaFieldState getOpenPriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOpenPriceFieldState
void setOpenPrice(
MamaPrice openPrice
string getOrigCondStr()
MamdaFieldState getOrigCondStrFieldState()
void setOrigCondStr(
string origCondStr
string getOrigPartId()
MamdaFieldState getOrigPartIdFieldState()
void setOrigPartId(
string origPartId
MamaPrice getOrigPrice()
MamdaFieldState getOrigPriceFieldState()
void setOrigPrice(
MamaPrice origPrice
string getOrigQualStr()
MamdaFieldState getOrigQualStrFieldState()
void setOrigQualStr(
string origQualStr
string getOrigQualNativeStr()
MamdaFieldState getOrigQualNativeStrFieldState()
void setOrigQualNativeStr(
string origQualNativeStr
long getOrigSellersSaleDays()
MamdaFieldState getOrigSellersSaleDaysFieldState()
void setOrigSellersSaleDays(
long origSellersSaleDays
char getOrigStopStockInd()
MamdaFieldState getOrigStopStockIndFieldState()
void setOrigStopStockInd(
char origStopStockInd
long getOrigSeqNum()
MamdaFieldState getOrigSeqNumFieldState()
void setOrigSeqNum(
long origSeqNum
long getOrigVolume()
MamdaFieldState getOrigVolumeFieldState()
void setOrigVolume(
long origVolume
void setOrigVolume(
double origVolume
double getPctChange()
Change in price as a percentage.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPctChange
MamdaFieldState getPctChangeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPctChangeFieldState
void setPctChange(
double pctChange
DateTime getPrevCloseDate()
Date corresponding to PrevClosePrice. getPrevClosePrice()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPrevCloseDate
MamdaFieldState getPrevCloseDateFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPrevCloseDateFieldState
void setPrevCloseDate(
DateTime prevCloseDate
MamaPrice getAdjPrevClose()
The previous close price adjusted by corporate actions, such as dividends and stock splits on the ex-date. getPrevClosePrice()
Return: The adjusted previous closing price.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getAdjPrevClose
MamdaFieldState getAdjPrevCloseFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getAdjPrevCloseFieldState
void setAdjPrevClose(
MamaPrice adjPrevClose
MamaPrice getPrevClosePrice()
The last qualifying trade price on the previous trading day. This field may be copied from the close price field during the morning “roll” of records in the feedhandler, or it may be obtained from a secondary source, or it may be explicitly sent by the feed prior to the opening of trading for the current day.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPrevClosePrice
MamdaFieldState getPrevClosePriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getPrevClosePriceFieldState
void setPrevClosePrice(
MamaPrice prevClosePrice
long getSellersSaleDays()
MamdaFieldState getSellersSaleDaysFieldState()
void setSellersSaleDays(
long sellersSaleDays
char getStopStockInd()
MamdaFieldState getStopStockIndFieldState()
void setStopStockInd(
char stopStockInd
DateTime getSrcTime()
Returns the source time.
Return: Source time. Typically, the exchange generated feed
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getSrcTime
MamdaFieldState getSrcTimeFieldState()
Returns the field state.
Return: Source time Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaBasicEvent::getSrcTimeFieldState
void setSrcTime(
DateTime srcTime
double getStdDev()
Standard deviation of last trade price of a security at the time it is disseminated.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDev
MamdaFieldState getStdDevFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDevFieldState
void setStdDev(
double stdDev
double getStdDevSum()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDevSum
MamdaFieldState getStdDevSumFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDevSumFieldState
void setStdDevSum(
double stdDevSum
double getStdDevSumSquares()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDevSumSquares
MamdaFieldState getStdDevSumSquaresFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getStdDevSumSquaresFieldState
void setStdDevSumSquares(
double stdDevSumSquares
long getOrderId()
Get the order id, if available.
Return: The trade message unique order id number (if available).
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOrderId
MamdaFieldState getOrderIdFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOrderIdFieldState
void setOrderId(
long orderId
MamaPrice getSettlePrice()
Future’s / Options settlement price.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSettlePrice
MamdaFieldState getSettlePriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSettlePriceFieldState
void setSettlePrice(
MamaPrice settlePrice
DateTime getSettleDate()
Date corresponding to SettlePrice. getSettlePrice()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSettleDate
MamdaFieldState getSettleDateFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSettleDateFieldState
void setSettleDate(
DateTime settleDate
char getShortSaleCircuitBreaker()
getShortSaleCircuitBreaker Returns the ShortSaleCircuitBreaker
Return: the ShortSaleCircuitBreaker
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getShortSaleCircuitBreaker
MamdaFieldState getShortSaleCircuitBreakerFieldState()
Returns the FieldState, always MODIFIED.
Return: the FieldState
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getShortSaleCircuitBreakerFieldState
void setShortSaleCircuitBreaker(
char shortSaleCircuitBreaker
Set the shortSaleCircuitBreaker
double getTotalValue()
Total value of all shares traded in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTotalValue
MamdaFieldState getTotalValueFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTotalValueFieldState
void setTotalValue(
double totalValue
double getOffExTotalValue()
Total value of all shares traded off exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExTotalValue
MamdaFieldState getOffExTotalValueFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExTotalValueFieldState
void setOffExTotalValue(
double offExTotalValue
double getOnExTotalValue()
Total value of all shares traded on exchange in a security at the time it is disseminated. Calculated by the sum of multiplying the trade price by trade volume for each qualifying trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExTotalValue
MamdaFieldState getOnExTotalValueFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExTotalValueFieldState
void setOnExTotalValue(
double onExTotalValue
string getTradeCondStr()
MamdaFieldState getTradeCondStrFieldState()
void setTradeCondStr(
string tradeCondStr
long getTradeCount()
The number of trades today.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeCount
MamdaFieldState getTradeCountFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeCountFieldState
void setTradeCount(
long tradeCount
string getTradeUnits()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeUnits
MamdaFieldState getTradeUnitsFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeUnitsFieldState
void setTradeUnits(
string tradeUnits
long getLastSeqNum()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastSeqNum
MamdaFieldState getLastSeqNumFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLastSeqNumFieldState
void setLastSeqNum(
long lastSeqNum
long getHighSeqNum()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getHighSeqNum
MamdaFieldState getHighSeqNumFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getHighSeqNumFieldState
void setHighSeqNum(
long highSeqNum
long getLowSeqNum()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLowSeqNum
MamdaFieldState getLowSeqNumFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getLowSeqNumFieldState
void setLowSeqNum(
long lowSeqNum
long getTotalVolumeSeqNum()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTotalVolumeSeqNum
MamdaFieldState getTotalVolumeSeqNumFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTotalVolumeSeqNumFieldState
void setTotalVolumeSeqNum(
long totalVolumeSeqNum
string getCurrencyCode()
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getCurrencyCode
MamdaFieldState getCurrencyCodeFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getCurrencyCodeFieldState
void setCurrencyCode(
string currencyCode
string getTradeDirection()
Trade tick direction. 0 : No direction is currently known/available.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeDirection
MamdaFieldState getTradeDirectionFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeDirectionFieldState
void setTradeDirection(
string tradeDirection
string getSide()
Returns the Aggressor side or TradeSide
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSide
AggressorSide: 0 : No AggressorSide is currently known/available. 1 or B : Buy 2 or S : Sell
MamdaFieldState getSideFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getSideFieldState
void setSide(
string tradeSide
string getTradePartId()
MamdaFieldState getTradePartIdFieldState()
void setTradePartId(
string tradePartId
MamaPrice getTradePrice()
MamdaFieldState getTradePriceFieldState()
void setTradePrice(
MamaPrice tradePrice
string getTradeQualStr()
MamdaFieldState getTradeQualStrFieldState()
void setTradeQualStr(
string tradeQualStr
string getTradeQualNativeStr()
MamdaFieldState getTradeQualNativeStrFieldState()
void setTradeQualNativeStr(
string tradeQualNativeStr
long getTradeVolume()
MamdaFieldState getTradeVolumeFieldState()
void setTradeVolume(
long tradeVolume
void setTradeVolume(
double tradeVolume
double getVwap()
Volume-weighted average price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getVwap
MamdaFieldState getVwapFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getVwapFieldState
void setVwap(
double vwap
double getOffExVwap()
Volume-weighted average off exchange price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExVwap
MamdaFieldState getOffExVwapFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExVwapFieldState
void setOffExVwap(
double offExVwap
double getOnExVwap()
Volume-weighted average on exchange price of a security at the time it is disseminated. Equivalent to dividing total value by total volume.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExVwap
MamdaFieldState getOnExVwapFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExVwapFieldState
void setOnExVwap(
double onExVwap
bool IsIrregular()
void setIsIrregular(
bool isIrregular
bool IsCancel()
void setIsCancel(
bool isCancel
string getTradeExecVenue()
Trade execution venue. Unknown OnExchange OnExchangeOffBook OffExchange
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeExecVenue
MamdaFieldState getTradeExecVenueFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getTradeExecVenueFieldState
void setTradeExecVenue(
string tradeExecVenue
MamaPrice getOffExchangeTradePrice()
Monetary value of an individual off exchange share of the security at the time of the trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExchangeTradePrice
MamdaFieldState getOffExchangeTradePriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOffExchangeTradePriceFieldState
void setOffExchangeTradePrice(
MamaPrice offExTradePrice
MamaPrice getOnExchangeTradePrice()
Monetary value of an individual off exchange share of the security at the time of the trade.
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExchangeTradePrice
MamdaFieldState getOnExchangeTradePriceFieldState()
Get the field state
Return: Field State
Reimplements: Wombat::MamdaTradeRecap::getOnExchangeTradePriceFieldState
void setOnExchangeTradePrice(
MamaPrice onExTradePrice
Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:12 +0100