Classes Files


A class that represents a set of expiration dates, each of which contains a set of strike prices (MamdaOptionStrikeSet), each of which contains a set of option contracts (MamdaOptionContractSet), each of which contains exchange-specific contracts. To access a set of strike prices for a given expiration date, use the get method (inherited from TreeMap).

Inherits from Wombat.Containers.TreeMap, Wombat.Containers.SortedMap, ICloneable, Wombat.Containers.Map

Public Functions

  MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet(MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet copy)
MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet getExpirationsBefore(DateTime date)
MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet getExpirations(int numExpirations)
String toString()
override string ToString()

Protected Functions

  MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet(SortedMap map)

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Wombat.Containers.TreeMap

  TreeMap(Comparator c)
  TreeMap(Map m)
  TreeMap(SortedMap m)
Comparator comparator()
SortedMap subMap(object fromKey, object toKey)
SortedMap headMap(object toKey)
SortedMap tailMap(object fromKey)
object firstKey()
object lastKey()
int size()
bool isEmpty()
bool containsKey(object key)
bool containsValue(object value)
object valueOf(object key)
object put(object key, object value)
object remove(object key)
void putAll(Map m)
void clear()
Set keySet()
Collection values()
Set entrySet()
object Clone()

Public Functions inherited from Wombat.Containers.SortedMap

Comparator comparator()
SortedMap subMap(object from, object to)
SortedMap headMap(object toKey)
SortedMap tailMap(object fromKey)
object firstKey()
object lastKey()

Public Functions inherited from Wombat.Containers.Map

int size()
bool isEmpty()
bool containsKey(object key)
bool containsValue(object value)
object valueOf(object key)
object put(object key, object value)
object remove(object key)
void putAll(Map m)
void clear()
Set keySet()
Collection values()
Set entrySet()

Public Functions Documentation

function MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet


function MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet

    MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet copy

function getExpirationsBefore

MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet getExpirationsBefore(
    DateTime date

function getExpirations

MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet getExpirations(
    int numExpirations

function toString

String toString()

function ToString

override string ToString()

Protected Functions Documentation

function MamdaOptionExpirationDateSet

    SortedMap map

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:16 +0100