Classes Files


MamdaStaleListener defines an interface for handling changes in quality of the subscription through notifications for a MamdaSubscription.

Public Functions

void onStale(MamdaSubscription subscription, mamaQuality quality)
Invoked in response to the onQuality() callback for the underlying MamaSubscription. Typically invoked in response to an underlying symbol level sequence number gap being detected.

Public Functions Documentation

function onStale

void onStale(
    MamdaSubscription subscription,
    mamaQuality quality

Invoked in response to the onQuality() callback for the underlying MamaSubscription. Typically invoked in response to an underlying symbol level sequence number gap being detected.


  • subscription The [MamdaSubscription](classWombat_1_1MamdaSubscription.html) on which the data quality event fired.
  • quality The quality of the subscription - see MamaQuality

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:14 +0100