Classes Files



Public Functions

void onStale(MamdaSubscription subscription, short quality)

Detailed Description

class com::wombat::mamda::MamdaStaleListener;

MamdaStaleListener defines an interface for handling changes in staleness notifications for a MamdaSubscription.

Public Functions Documentation

function onStale

void onStale(
    MamdaSubscription subscription,
    short quality


  • subscription The MamdaSubscription on which the data quality event fired.
  • quality Can be MamaQuality.QUALITY_OK, MamaQuality.QUALITY_MAYBE_STALE, MamaQuality.QUALITY_PARTIAL_STALE or MamaQuality.QUALITY_STALE

Invoked in response to the onQuality() callback for the underlying MamaSubscription. Typically invoked in response to an underlying symbol level sequence number gap being detected.

Updated on 2023-03-31 at 15:30:35 +0100