interface ISourceManager A container of MamaSource objects. Because each MamaSource can contain sub-sources (and so on), MamaSource is also a source manager and implements this interface.
class Mama MAMA - Middleware Agnostic Messaging API
class StartBackgroundCallbackForwarder This class is used for forward callback events from the native mama_startBackground function to the client’s of this class.
class MamaBasicSubscription The basic subscription supports publish / subscribe. This class can be disposed or the deallocate function called to reduce time during finalization. Note that the deallocate function will attempt to destroy the subscription if this has not already been done whereas dispose will only de-allocate the memory.
class MamaBasicSubscriptionImpl This impl will perform the work of invoking user supplied callbacks, it is held to ensure that the user can destroy and recreate the parent subscription during the callbacks.
interface MamaBasicSubscriptionCallback This interface should be implemented by clients wish to create a MAMA Basic subscription, it contains callback functions that will be invoked whenever specific events occur.
class MamaBridgeFtMember A member of a MAMA fault tolerance bridge group
class MamaCallbackStore This class is used to store MamaCallbackWrapper objects, it provides synchronized access so can be used from any thread.
class MamaCallbackWrapper This class wraps a native callback function allowing the managed callback object, the closure and the delegate to be maintained while the code operates inside the native environment. Without this the managed object will be garbage collected resulting in a crash whenever the callback is eventually made from the native layer.
class MamaClientProfile A class containing various information about the MAMA client
interface MamaDictionaryCallback Collection of callbacks associated with MamaDictionaries
class MamaException Provides a MAMA API-specific exception which captures the status code of the last MAMA API call and a textual description of the error.
class MamaInbox A class for processing point-to-point messaging
class MamaInboxImpl This impl will perform the work of invoking user supplied callbacks, it is held to ensure that the user can destroy and recreate the parent inbox during the callbacks.
interface MamaInboxCallback Provides an object-oriented callback interface for a MamaInbox response to a p2p message being received or when an error is encountered during p2p messaging
class EnqueueEventForwarder This class is used to forward messages from the enqueueEvent function to the instance of the MamaQueueCallback class that the client originally supplied. Note that multiple events may be enqueued before any of them are processed. To avoid the managed objects being collected references are stored in a Dictionary object. These are then removed whenever the relevant callback fires.
interface MamaSendCompleteCallback Provides an object-oriented callback interface for MamaPublisher’s sendWithThrottle and sendFromInboxWithThrottle methods
class MamaSource A MamaSource maintains information about a data source, including the quality of the data coming from that source
class MamaSourceManager A MamaSourceManager maintains information about a set of data sources, including the quality of the data coming from those sources.
interface MamaSourceStateChangeCallback Applications can register with MamaSourceGroup to receive state change notifications when the state of sources within the group has changed.
interface MamaStartBackgroundCallback This interface defines a callback function that is used when starting mama with the mama_startBackground function.
class MamaStatus Status codes returned by MAMA methods
class MamaSubscription Subscription class, derives from a basic subscription.
class MamaSubscriptionImpl This impl will perform the work of invoking user supplied callbacks, it is held to ensure that the user can destroy and recreate the parent subscription during the callbacks. Note that this class derives from the MamaBasicSubscriptionImpl so that the static callback functions in the MamaBasicSubscription class can be re-used. However as the MamaSubscriptionCallback interface is a separate type, (it cannot be derived from MamaBasicSubscriptionCallback as the type of the subscription passed to the callback functions would be incorrect), overloads must be provided for all the Invoke methods.
interface MamaSubscriptionCallback This interface should be implemented by clients wish to create a MAMA subscription, it contains callback functions that will be invoked whenever specific events occur.
class MamaTimerImpl This impl will perform the work of invoking user supplied callbacks, it is held to ensure that the user can destroy and recreate the parent timer during the callbacks.